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Federal Election 2021

Election 2021


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Election 2021

Open Letter to Canadians

August 16, 2021


Red Deer – Mountain View, AB

Canada, we are at a turning point. For the past 18+ months, this country has slowly slide into a state of medical tyranny where now one of the major election issues will be bodily autonomy.

Parliament has been reduced to a shell of its former self, consisting of Zoom calls and handouts from the steps of Rideau Cottage. This is not leadership. Not in “normal” times and certainly not in the midst of the greatest crisis that the world has faced since World War II.

Some Members of Parliament (MP) have spoken out against the increasing government overreach into our lives but most have been silent. It takes courage to speak up but it is the duty of an MP to do so.

The Liberal government has implemented or introduced numerous Bills over the course of the pandemic to strip your individual rights and limit your ability to provide for and protect your family.

Bill C-21 removed firearms from law-abiding firearms owners while simultaneously, Bill C-22 eliminated mandatory minimum sentences for firearms crimes. Bill C-10 and Bill C-36, if passed, will severely limit free speech. Carbon tax rates were increased twice during the pandemic and Bill C-12 legislates emissions targets into law, ultimately raising your cost of living while doing nothing to curb emissions in China or India. Billions of your grandchildren’s tax dollars have been squandered through sweetheart deals to connected insiders and poorly designed subsidy programs. The government forced Canadians into quarantine “hotels” and have now taken the steps to ban inter-provincial travel for those not taking the government mandated virus treatment. These issues must be addressed and freedoms returned.

How will I do this as one MP of a small political party? By holding regular press conferences on Parliament Hill that feature subject matter experts in order to spark a movement that puts Canadians first. 25% of the population, working together, can change a nation for the better. Do you want to be a part of a movement that returns Canada as the home of “the true north strong and free”? I do.


Jared Pilon

Libertarian Party Candidate for Red Deer – Mountain View, AB

I have recently made the decision to seek nomination as a candidate in the federal electoral district of Red Deer - Mountain View. As a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), I directly see the negative impacts of government policy on business owners and most notably, their families. This has never been more evident than in 2020. Through a common sense focus and a passion for bringing people together on common ground, I will work to help bring prosperity to the riding of Red Deer – Mountain View and Canada. I am hoping to be able to share my election campaign with your viewers/readers. Feel free to touch base with me at the email listed below or at Thanks.

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Conservative MP testifies that foreign agents could effectively elect Canada’s prime minister, premiers

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

‘We are effectively opening up the appointment of heads of state or provinces,’ warned Conservative Party of Canada MP Michael Chong during testimony at the Foreign Interference Commission.

Foreign affairs critic for the Conservative Party of Canada MP Michael Chong testified before the inquiry looking into alleged meddling in Canada’s last two federal elections that agents of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) could install a premier, or prime minister of their choosing by infiltrating supposedly closed party leadership races. 

“We are effectively opening up the appointment of heads of state or provinces,” testified Chong to the Foreign Interference Commission, the name of the inquiry tasked with investigating alleged election meddling.

“We could have a situation where a prime minister resigns, and a prime minister is appointed and elected through a leadership process impacted by non-citizens and foreign state actors.”  

During his April 3 testimony, Chong suggested that foreign agents working on behalf of China could install leaders of their choosing. He made the testimony after classified documents from Canada’s intelligence services, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), showed that Chinese operatives were allegedly operating through consulate proxies to elect a person of their choosing.  

Alleged Chinese proxies working for the United Front Work Department have been under intense scrutiny at the Commission. Indeed, the classified intelligence shows that the federal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau knew that there was foreign meddling taking place in the 2019 and 2021 federal elections but did not appear to do anything about it.  

As first reported by The Bureau, an intelligence report dated October 2022 claims that CCP agents were active in both provincial and federal party leadership contests during that year.

The assessment did not identify any candidates by their names, but CSIS had been investigating a candidate known only as “CA3” in 2022, during Alberta and British Columbia’s premier leadership races.  

The report from 2022 also claimed that a so-called “PRC-linked proxy” was engaged in trying to “help elect the next leader of a federal political party in Canada,” through means of “encouraging individuals who are supportive of the Chinese Communist Party to join this same political party to influence … a more positive view of China.” 

According to Liberal Party spokesperson Sarah Fischer, she had earlier told The Bureau that they were “not aware of the allegations.” 

The Commission is being headed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, who had earlier said that she and her lawyers will remain “impartial” and will not be influenced by politics and began on January 29.   

In January, Hogue said that she would “uncover the truth whatever it may be.”   

During testimony last week at the inquiry looking into alleged meddling in Canada’s last two federal elections, the head of the nation’s intelligence agency confirmed that CCP agents did help to elect “pro-China” candidates, also disclosing the existence of a large cash payments scheme totaling $250,000. 

Last week as well, David Vigneault, who serves as CSIS director, told the inquiry that he supports the “conclusions” that the CCP was working to help elect China-friendly Canadian MPs.  

Thus far, the testimony at the Commission has revealed that former Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Kenny Chiu said he felt “betrayed” by the federal government after only now learning he was the target of agents of the CCP.  

Also, the public has learned via the inquiry from Chief Electoral Officer Stéphane Perrault that he was secretly warned by security agents of irregularities in the 2019 election. 

Recently, it was revealed that Trudeau’s office knew of security warnings against one of his MPs who was helped to get elected by Chinese agents, yet kept him in the party regardless 

When it comes to the CCP, many Canadians, especially pro-freedom Chinese Canadians, are concerned with the nation’s influence in what is supposed to be a democratic process. 

As for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he has in the past praised China for its “basic dictatorship” and has labeled the authoritarian nation as his favorite country other than his own.  

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Trudeau’s office was warned that Chinese agents posed ‘existential threat’ to Canada: secret memo

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From LifeSiteNews

By Anthony Murdoch

‘Until foreign interference is viewed as an existential threat to Canadian democracy and governments forcefully and actively respond, these threats will persist,’ reads the 2023 memo given to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office.

Details from a “top secret” memo have shown that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office was given explicit warnings by Canadian intelligence that agents of the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) meddling in the nation’s elections posed an “existential threat to Canadian democracy.”  

The disclosure that Trudeau’s office was warned of CCP meddling in Canada’s elections process came during testimony last week at the Foreign Interference Commission. 

Counsel for Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) MP Michael Chong observed that a “top secret” memo titled, Briefing To The Prime Minister’s Office On Foreign Interference Threats To Canada’s Democratic Institutions, dated February 21, 2023, was “truly” a “remarkable document” in what it revealed.  

The six-page memo went into full detail as to the extent of CCP subterfuge which targeted Canada’s Conservative Party in both the 2019 and 2021 federal elections. 

“State actors are able to conduct foreign interference successfully in Canada because there are few legal or political consequences,” reads the memo.  

“Until foreign interference is viewed as an existential threat to Canadian democracy and governments forcefully and actively respond, these threats will persist.” 

Trudeau has been coy and has never explicitly stated whether he was ever told by members of Canada’s intelligence agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), that the CCP agents’ actions were in breach of the nation’s Elections Act 

The Foreign Interference Commission was convened to “examine and assess the interference by China, Russia, and other foreign states or non-state actors, including any potential impacts, to confirm the integrity of, and any impacts on, the 43rd and 44th general elections (2019 and 2021 elections) at the national and electoral district levels.”  

The Commission is being headed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, who had earlier said that she and her lawyers will remain “impartial” and will not be influenced by politics and began on January 29.   

Thus far, the commission has resulted in some interesting findings which are now public.  

Yesterday, LifeSiteNews reported how Chong testified before the inquiry that agents of the CCP could install a premier or prime minister of their choosing by infiltrating supposedly closed party leadership races. 

Last week, LifeSiteNews reported that this same memo showed that CCP agents did help to elect “pro-China” candidates after disclosing the existence of a large cash payments scheme totaling $250,000 made to so-called “pro-China” public office holders. 

Trudeau in 2023 denied he was warned by security officials  

Trudeau, in May of 2023, said to reporters that he did not know anything about CCP agents targeting conservative MPs.  

“The Canadian Security Intelligence Service knew about certain things but didn’t feel it reached a threshold that required them to pass it up out of CSIS,” he said.

“Was it briefed up out of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service? It was not,” he said, adding that “CSIS made the determination it wasn’t something that needed to be raised to a higher level because it wasn’t a significant enough concern.” 

The memo suggests that during the 2021 federal election, meddling efforts “were orchestrated or directed by the People’s Republic of China.” 

The unlawful conduct included “activities aimed at discouraging Canadians, particularly of Chinese heritage, from supporting the Conservative Party, leader Erin O’Toole and particularly Steveston-Richmond East candidate Kenny Chiu,” notes the memo. 

Last week, David Vigneault, who serves as CSIS director, told the inquiry that he supports the “conclusions” that the CCP was working to help elect China-friendly Canadian MPs.  

Thus far, the testimony at the Commission has revealed that former Conservative Party MP Kenny Chiu said he felt “betrayed” by the federal government after only now learning he was the target of agents of the CCP.  

Also, the public has learned via the inquiry from Chief Electoral Officer Stéphane Perrault that he was secretly warned by security agents of irregularities in the 2019 election. 

Recently, it was revealed that Trudeau’s office knew of security warnings against one of his MPs who was helped to get elected by Chinese agents yet kept him in the party regardless.  

When it comes to the CCP, many Canadians, especially pro-freedom Chinese Canadians, are concerned with the nation’s influence in what is supposed to be a democratic process. 

As for Trudeau, he has in the past praised China for its “basic dictatorship” and has labeled the authoritarian nation as his favorite country other than his own.  

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