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Let’s put an end to this pandemic: Why my child will not be getting a covid vaccine and what citizens and local politicians need to do


22 minute read

First I just want to say I respect you and your opinions and the decisions you make within your family.  Sure I’d love to convince you, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last two years it’s this:  Decisions people are making around covid are not necessarily about covid.  My beliefs and yours are more likely tied to an overall world view.

To let you know about my world view, I’ve been associated with media my entire adult life.  I’ve always loved it even though I can pinpoint the very day I realized journalism and truth were not the same thing. I spent New Years Eve 1999-2000 in a fully staffed news room because of the Y2K panic.  That multi-billion dollar boondoggle turned out to be an incredible farce.  In short, rather than investigate the truth thoroughly, the media as a whole convinced itself of an oncoming tragedy.  In the end nearly every business in the western world spent time and money trying to fix something that was, as it turned out, absolutely nothing. When it was over the media simply didn’t talk about it.  No one was at fault.  No one paid a price.  There was certainly a financial crime in the needless spending of billions of dollars, but there was no follow up.  No one was ever charged.  Who would you charge anyway?  It was like a rumour no one knows who started.

Missing the big party at the turn of the century taught this young reporter a valuable lesson.  Even if the vast majority of people are ‘certain’ about something that has turned into a narrative, it’s OK to question it.  In fact, it’s important to question well established narratives.  Basic journalism really.

Enter covid.  In the winter of 2020 we all locked down for two weeks to flatten the curve.  When the curve didn’t flatten we agreed to do everything we could to continue to battle the virus we were told might kill 3 or 4 percent of us.  How innocent we were. I was an early proponent of masks.  This was back when our government said we should NOT wear masks.  I was looking at articles from Asia at the time, which made sense to me because that was where most of the covid was.  I saw people in Hong Kong and South Korea going to school and shopping in their masks and I thought they must be on to something.  Then for the first, and not the last time in covid, our leaders lied to us.  Not just our health leaders, but our provincial Premiers and the people running our public health agencies.  “Sorry.  We needed all the PPE we could get for people working in health care.  It was important for us to lie to you, to save them.”

Hhhhhm.  No!  That was a mistake or something worse.  Canadians would have been happy to breathe through an old sweaty shirt if they would have told us the truth.  Heck you know Canadians.  Half of us would have delivered masks along with Tim Hortons to our nearest hospitals within hours.  Healthcare workers would have been wading in masks, drowning in coffee and choking on timbits.  That’s how Canadians would have acted.  We never got the chance.  Because they lied. Public health care officials and politicians decided as a group that the public was not to be dealt with squarely, but we should be handled. That makes them liars. They have not changed that position. I can’t explain why people continue to believe everything they say.

Somehow the VAST majority of media failed to take our officials to task for lying to us. It broke our trust. Like so many I have not accepted anything media or government and public health officials have said since, without checking on it first.  What kind of a reporter would I be if I did? The officials we elected to serve us could have apologized and stuck to the truth and earned our trust back.  Instead they double down every chance they get. Politicians are caught breaking the rules they’re setting for us constantly.  They allow the large multinational store to operate, but they shut down the neighbourhood pub.  They allow thousands to attend some events, but punish preachers for opening their doors to a few hundred.  They greet each other with drinks and hugs, then put on their masks and step away from each other for the official photographs. Now they’re allowing only the double-vaxed to travel while restricting people who have actually tested negative.  Comically absurd.  All this under the eyes of the media who lift not one finger to complain on our behalf.

So here we are.  People have fallen into their camps and very few are switching sides.  On one side, are the Pro Mandaters.  They continue to invest their trust in the institutions we grew up with.  The politicians and the health officials, and the people on TV and in the newspapers have always told the truth right?  OK maybe they don’t ‘always’ tell the truth, but our health is their top priority right?  You’d certainly hope so, but there’s a simple fact that proves differently.  TREATMENT.  Despite the fact politicians and some leading health officials declare ignorance, they know millions of people are being treated.  They know India and Japan have had miraculous results after offering treatment.


They know doctors in the United States and Canada have used over 20 different treatments with results ranging from interesting, to incredible.  They don’t care. It’s not that they just insist vaccine mandates are the best way forward. Those in charge go as far as to ban treatment for desperate, dying people.  Then they punish anyone who dares to try to save lives through safe, trusted, well known and widely used treatments. Let me repeat that… they ban treatment for desperate, dying people.  Take a second to let that sink in.

When I was younger, a veteran reporter once told me how things really work.  At a city council meeting I came to him perplexed at a seemingly stupid decision.  He told me that whenever things don’t make sense it always has something to do with money.  “Stop trying to make sense of it, and start looking for who is making money from that decision.”  Probably the best advice I ever got until this next piece about politicians.  I’m paraphrasing: “When you phone a politician and ask for a call back, you’d better keep this in mind.  Politicians don’t care about you. They don’t care about your tv station.  They care about being reelected.  If they think talking to you about something voters care about will get them reelected, they’ll call you back right away.  If not, they’ll avoid you like the plague.  You need to make them understand this question will influence the next election. You’ll get a call every time.”

While it’s difficult to believe politicians could deny treatment to dying people, it’s nearly impossible to think public health officials would be so cruel. I’ve had a lot of trouble getting my head around that. These are good people. They are in public health care after all.  This is a good time to think of that advice about things that don’t make sense.  So, forget about trying to make sense of it and ask “who is making money from this decision?”.  Well in this case it’s the pharmaceuticals.  These are some of the biggest businesses in the world.  They have been the most heavily fined businesses in the world.  Pre-covid, they were viewed as among the most untrustworthy businesses in the world.  Then their public face turned from lawyers and multi-millionaire executives, to public health officials and we forgave (or forgot).  In his new book Robert F. Kennedy Jr. examines the relationship between pharmaceuticals and the world’s most influential (dare I say powerful) health official, Anthony Fauci.  Kennedy outlines how over the many decades of Fauci’s leadership, the US has turned into an incredibly unhealthy nation with an insatiable thirst for pharmaceuticals.  Instead of promoting healthy lifestyles, public health officials have become intertwined with the pharmaceutical industry.  Now it starts to make sense.

Then there’s the other side, widely known as the Anti Vaxers even though this is the only vaccine most of them haven’t taken. The Pro Mandaters may not know it, but the other side are not against vaccines, they’re against MANDATING THIS PARTICULAR vaccine.  They know the risk for a severe outcome for people below 70 with no comorbidities is extremely low.  They’re OK with that risk.  They’re not OK with being ordered to take part in a medical trial. A lot of them, tens of thousands in fact, have had covid already.  Even the NIH admits readily that covid survivors have lasting strong immunity.  Can’t catch it.  Can’t pass it on.  Unlike vaccinated people who still get sick and pass covid on to someone else.  There’s only one way to protect yourself from catching covid with statistical success.  That’s to have had covid already.  Why these people are being asked to also get vaccinated is something future medical students will shake their heads at.

Many of us know someone, or know of someone who has died of covid. Other people we know of have been saved by a treatment we’re not supposed to even talk about.  Those who have died are poorly mourned at small funerals.  Those who were saved are buried in a different way.  We’re not to talk about them.  Incredibly as doctors in other parts of the world are treating, and studying, and creating data, our front line health care practitioners are relegated to the sidelines, waiting to see what their public health officials will allow.  Some step up at great risk. They diagnose and prescribe treatments their training and experience tells them will work. I’ve met two people who felt they were close to death when a very brave doctor swept in with treatment cocktails.  Neither of the people I talked to knew each other.  Their experiences happened months, and miles apart.   Both swear they turned around dramatically within hours of their first dose.  You’d think they’d stand on the roof and yell out their truth.  But they’re scared.  Who can blame them?  Both doctors who treated them have been disciplined.  If lives are not as important as the narrative, how could mere careers have a chance?

I’m not personally against the vaccine.  I am very much against mandating it, and I am very much against giving it to children. We are here to protect our children, not to ask them to protect us. Knowing that young people are statistically at a greater risk of a serious reaction from the vaccine than they are from covid, I will keep my child away from this particular vaccine.  Knowing that children are at less risk from covid than they are from the yearly flu virus I will act accordingly. Children have a statistical 0 % chance of dying from covid and they are not good at spreading it to adults.  They don’t need to take the risk, as tiny as it is, of suffering from a vaccine reaction.

My final argument is the simple fact that our government’s Zero Covid Approach is obviously failing.  Show a single country in the world which is both highly vaccinated, and has wiped out covid. There’s not a single example.  Meanwhile, two prominent countries with good record keeping and advanced health care systems have had remarkable success against covid.  Japan has a vaccination rate well above 70%.  India is struggling to get to 20%.  The two countries have completely different levels of vaccinated citizens, but they share one thing in common.  Facing brutal waves of covid earlier this year, in desperation both Japan and India allowed medical treatments.

Less than 20 percent of India’s population is vaccinated.  Japan’s rate is in the 70’s.  Clearly something other than vaccinations is in play.  Treatment.

So how do we get out of this mess here in Alberta, Canada?  I’m certainly open to ideas.  Personally  I only see one way out and one path to get there.  It starts at home and leads directly to our local politicians.  We need to face our fear of speaking the truth within our families and among our loved ones.  We need to resist the name calling and the emotion (speaking to myself here), and stick to reciting boring facts and data.  Then a very critical step. We need to talk to our school board members, and our city councillors.  They are not affiliated with a political party and don’t have to worry about being punished by political bosses.  We need to insist they take the measures they can to set us on a new path.  The approach of mandating vaccines on employees and restricting citizens while banning medical treatments is a colossal misstep, a divider of families and community, and a devastation on local business.  Most importantly it steals the lives of desperate, dying citizens.  We need to beg, plead and demand our local politicians stand up against vaccine mandates and restrictions against their citizens in private and public buildings.  We need to respect the legal choices of individuals.  Together we need to demand doctors be allowed to treat patients the way they always have.  With treatment, the need for the restrictions and mandates will vanish.  This is the only way to get our communities and our families back, if it’s not too late already.

As for the politicians who are in a position to make changes quickly.  Remember the advice from my friend and veteran reporter.  We need to stop waisting our time with common sense arguments and start appealing to them about the next election.  They’re reading the polls and those polls tell them most of the voters are afraid.  It’s a tragedy that leaders with courage are so few and far between, but this is the world we live in and this is the fault of the courageous for avoiding politics. The good news is if we start to demand treatment and this movement grows it’s only a matter of time! The very second those same poll-reading politicians see enough people are demanding treatment, they’ll suddenly rise above their role of vaccine sales person and switch over to medical treatment advocates.  It will happen in the blink of an eye.   If you want treatment there when you’re the one who gets sick, start advocating now.  The best thing about it is everyone wins, because medication is a both – and solution.  Medications don’t need vaccines to go away, they just make them a voluntary extra precaution.

Premiers tremble at the very thought of contradicting the public health officials they used to hire and fire as they saw fit.  The cowardice is embarrassing.  Worse.  Their cowardice stops so many thousands from encountering a doctor who wants to treat them with available drugs.  For the rest of us, their cowardice means we’ll continue indefinitely to live in a suspended existence, restricted from going where we want to, when we want to, to do what we want.  In fear, we willingly surrendered our freedoms and assaulted our small businesses and our community life.  Those freedoms and those communities will not come back until effective medical treatments for covid are no longer banned.

Even though I’m vaccinated to protect my mother my child will not be vaccinated.  My older children have made their decisions.  My youngest is too young to make that decision. I’ll take the lesser of the two risks, and the one that will protect him the most going forward. Most importantly I know there are treatments available and I know who to talk to if someone close to me gets sick.

Here’s the Guide to Home Based Treatment for Covid from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, and here’s the Guide to Covid Early Treatment from a group of US doctors on their website TruthForHealth.



After 15 years as a TV reporter with Global and CBC and as news director of RDTV in Red Deer, Duane set out on his own 2008 as a visual storyteller. During this period, he became fascinated with a burgeoning online world and how it could better serve local communities. This fascination led to Todayville, launched in 2016.

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Alberta Sheriffs Branch

Crown appeal against acquitted peaceful protestor Evan Blackman back in court June 19

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News release from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms announces that a hearing date for Evan Blackman’s summary conviction appeal has been set for June 19, 2024. The hearing will take place at the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Ottawa.

The Crown’s evidence against Blackman at his trial consisted of a 14-minute drone video, with no sound, and the testimony of one officer from the scene. For nine minutes of that video, Blackman is seen as part of a group of protestors standing across from a line of police officers on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa. Blackman is shown de-escalating the situation by holding other protestors back and putting his hand up to stop them from confronting the officers. He is then seen kneeling in front of police for the five minutes prior to his arrest. At one point, while on his knees, he takes off his hat, puts his hands on his chest, and starts singing Canada’s national anthem.

The Ottawa Crown Attorney’s Office is appealing Blackman’s acquittal on charges of mischief and obstructing the police relating to his participation in the Freedom Convoy protests, specifically on February 18, 2022, the day police conducted an “enforcement action” – clearing Ottawa city streets following the invocation of the Emergencies Act by the federal government four days prior.

Blackman was acquitted after a one-day trial on October 23, 2023. The Justice Centre provided lawyers for Blackman’s defence at that trial and continues to support him throughout this appeal.

At trial, Mr. Blackman pled “not guilty” to all charges. The judge dismissed the case against him due to limited evidence and the poor memory of a police witness on key elements of the criminal offenses.

After his February 18, 2022 arrest and release the same day, Blackman discovered his three bank accounts had been frozen pursuant to the Emergency Economic Measures Order.

Chris Fleury, lawyer for Blackman, notes that if his client had been convicted, his intention was to bring an application for a stay of proceedings under section 24(1) of the Charter, seeking a remedy for the freezing of Mr. Blackman’s bank account. If Mr. Blackman’s acquittal is overturned on appeal, he intends to file this application.

Chris Fleury says, “The limited evidence available at Mr. Blackman’s trial showed Mr. Blackman attempting to de-escalate a volatile situation between police and protestors on February 18. He pled not guilty to the criminal offences that he was charged with, and the trial judge ultimately agreed and found him not guilty. This appeal is an attempt by the Crown to reframe findings of fact that they disagree with as legal errors. Mr. Blackman and I are looking forward to our day in Court at the appeal hearing.”

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COVID Is Over — But Did We Learn Anything From It?

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation



The lockdowns instituted during the COVID pandemic were only supposed to last a few days. Remember “14 days to flatten the curve” was all that was needed to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed by patients infected with the rapidly spreading novel coronavirus.

Two weeks turned into three, then months. Schools were closedBusinesses were shut down. Commercial activity in the world’s most powerful nation ground almost to a halt, but the virus kept killing, mutating and spreading.

States like California and Kentucky enforced the lockdowns with ruthless efficiency. The free exercise of worship and assembly was crushed on the altar of public health and safety.

Was it worth it? The Committee to Unleash Prosperity’s report, “COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years,” says no. Its authors, who include the Hoover Institution’s Dr. Scott Atlas (who served as an adviser to the White House Coronavirus Task Force), Johns Hopkins University economist Steve Hanke and the University of Chicago’s Casey Mulligan conclude, by using publicly available data and peer-reviewed studies, that the lockdowns cost more lives than they saved.

Atlas, Hanke, Mulligan and Phil Kerpen, president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CTUP) and the fourth and final co-author, conclude: “The ordered shutdown of our schools, churches, and businesses brought little health benefits while imposing multi-trillions of dollars of long-term societal costs.”

“We did not focus on theories or models. We looked at cold, hard facts,” Kerpen says. “The evidence is overwhelming. Lockdowns, school closures, and societal panic/disruption resulted in a staggering number of excess non-COVID deaths in the United States versus zero in non-lockdown Sweden.”

Kerpen estimates that the policies implemented during the lockdowns saved approximately 16,000 lives while causing about 400,000 extra deaths and imposing staggering economic costs, including the loss of 49 million jobs.

Other adverse consequences stemming from the lockdowns cited in the report include a $6 trillion increase in government debt, hundreds of thousands of business bankruptcies and hundreds of thousands of excess deaths from loneliness, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and delayed hospital care in part due to the forced social isolation.

In the U.S., catastrophes like COVID are usually followed by the appointment of bi-partisan, blue-ribbon commissions to study everything and issue recommendations we’re told will prevent something similar from happening again.

That hasn’t been done this time, which reinforces the suspicion in some minds that COVID-era policymakers who are still in a position to influence the conversation are hiding something. Having made a hash of things, they just as soon allow it all to slide down the memory hole.

Even in China, where popular opinion doesn’t matter, the investigation into the origins of the virus hit a stonewall thanks to what news reports have called “bureaucratic infighting.”

Too many people think the lockdowns worked. They’re ignoring the data. The CTUP report shows them to be wrong. It’s a call for a further probe that searches for the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it might be. Without it, how can we be sure the public’s health and safety will be protected the next time, not to mention our civil liberties?

The CTUP report offers a few “lessons learned” that should inform policymakers’ decision-making in the next crisis. One is that “Leaders should calm public fears, not stoke them.”

“Conventional wisdom pre-COVID was that communities respond best to pandemics when the normal social functioning of the community is least disrupted,” the authors conclude. During the pandemic, responsible officials in the public eye “intentionally stoked and amplified fear, which overlaid enormous economic, social, educational, and health harms on top of the harms of the virus itself.”

As hard as it is to argue against that, it’s easy to suggest the crisis was used as a political club. What of it? Suppose public health officials, the media, and other policymakers deliberately ignored sound science and proven pandemic countermeasures to inflict political damage on a president they wished to see booted from office. Does that matter? The answer is yes, it does.

There’s more to be learned because there’s more to be studied. None of the nations that used lockdowns to prevent COVID from spreading can report that they worked as intended.

“The best-performing major country in the world was Sweden,” Kerpen says, “which did not employ mandatory lockdowns. Yet, to the extent that official and unofficial commissions in many countries have issued reports, they say the principal lesson to be learned from the pandemic is to lockdown harder and faster. The evidence doesn’t support that. It tells us that the lockdown policies must never be imposed again.”

If Kerpen is correct, and the evidence suggests he is, then policymakers are drawing the wrong conclusions. Lockdowns were a failure, not a success.

Other ways must be found to prevent a future outbreak from turning into a pandemic, hopefully, before the next crisis presents itself.

A former U.S. News & World Report columnist and United Press International senior political writer, Peter Roff is an acknowledged expert on U.S. politics and the policy process. His take on politics and policy appears frequently in print and on U.S. and international broadcasting outlets. Email him at RoffColumns AT Follow him on social media AT TheRoffDraft.

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