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Hudson Mack on son’s recovery from Vegas one day after Sutherland


22 minute read

Among the Canadians killed or wounded in last month’s massacre in Las Vegas, at the Route 91 Harvest Festival, is a 21 year old man from Victoria, BC.  Sheldon Mack is recovering after he was shot twice, in the forearm and abdomen.  His father, longtime Vancouver Island TV news anchor Hudson Mack, and friend to many of us in the media industry, updated Facebook followers on Sheldon’s progress Monday, just after news came of the latest mass shooting in the US. This is re-printed with his permission.

 So, it has happened again.  Sickening, but not surprising, sadly.   Not anymore.

The all-too-familiar first reports from Texas came Sunday as I was about to send out an update on our family’s experience with guns in America.  Yesterday marked five weeks since Sheldon was shot in Las Vegas, one of the hundreds of victims of that massacre.  His recovery is going well, and again we want to say thanks.

The complete inaction after Vegas on any move towards gun control in the US, the failure to do anything about the so-called “bump stocks”, not even a simple acknowledgement that the country has a gun problem, makes you realize nothing is ever likely to change.  The reaction of the president from Tokyo this morning is telling, “…not a gun problem, but a mental health problem”.  Yes indeed.

November arrived with a sense of disbelief.  Has it been more than a month already?  Is it really only five weeks?  Yes and yes.  And it’s is a good time to offer an update on Sheldon, and to once again say a sincere thank you.

What a journey this has been since Patty’s phone kept ringing on the night of October first.  It was Sheldon’s friend, Liam Seymour, letting us know in breathless bursts what had happened.  We couldn’t believe our ears.  A country music concert. A terrorist attack.  Sheldon and Cole hit.  It was the last night of their Las Vegas trip.  Sheldon had turned 21 a week earlier, Liam a few weeks before that.  For these boys, like so many others, hitting The Strip at legal age was a rite of passage.

Sheldon, Liam, and Liam’s brother Cole had arrived at the Route 91 Harvest festival not long before the shooting started.   When he called to tell us what had happened, Liam said they had become separated in the chaos, and that Sheldon had gone to the hospital, shot in the wrist.  His phone was losing power and he promised to call back when he knew more.

For years, in the newsroom, I would always rant at reporters and producers writing about “a parent’s worst nightmare”.  But what unfolded for us over the next several hours gives truth to the cliché.  Patty and I called Sheldon’s brother and sister to inform them what had happened.  Rachel was at home in Vancouver, and Hamilton was staying with her, going to the Nickelback concert that night.  We kept them on the line on one speakerphone on the coffee table, while on another, we Googled and called every hospital in Vegas.

We could not envision the bedlam at the other end of the line, as we called one hospital after another.  No list of names.  No time to answer questions.  Call back later.  We called Liam back again and again, straight to voicemail.

I am generally slow to panic.  But each passing minute added to the fear and dread.  I checked the news, CNN was in the early stages of coverage.  Late on a Sunday night it did little more at first than rebroadcast the live feed from various Vegas affiliates.  Patty couldn’t watch.  I turned it off.  I checked Twitter.  At first two people were confirmed dead.  When I looked again it was 20.  When I turned on the TV again, my heart sank, the chyron banner declaring “50+ killed, 100’s injured”.  And still we couldn’t find Sheldon.

You hear about the “fog of war”, and the killing field where country music fans had gathered was a war zone.  Some details of that night are hard to recall even from where we sat.  Finally we reached Liam again.  He and Cole were at a hospital, Cole was wounded in the buttocks but was okay.  They thought Sheldon was where they were, but he wasn’t.

Finally, mercifully, hours later we got confirmation that Sheldon’s name was on a list.  He’d been taken to Desert Springs Hospital and had come through emergency surgery to repair the gunshot wound to his abdomen.  His abdomen?  He had been hit twice, we were now told.  In the forearm and the stomach.  The nurse had few details but was able to take the phone to him.  He was groggy and barely able to speak.  But Sheldon was alive.

We booked Rachel on the first available flight from Vancouver several hours later.  Hammy would have to wait for his passport, arriving with us on the 7 AM ferry.  Stunned and sleepless, as we trudge to the taxi stand at the Tsawwassen ferry terminal, another call from Las Vegas.  The same nurse we spoke to a few hours ago, but this time the call was not reassuring.  Sheldon has been rushed back into the Intensive Care Unit, after a dangerous drop in his blood pressure.  I can’t find the words to describe the cab ride to YVR.  Trying to stay outwardly calm to keep Patty from panicking, praying through tears as our driver sped to the airport.

When we got to the ticket counter our faces told our story before we spoke.  A kind United agent got us a faster flight than the one I’d found online overnight, with a three hour layover en route.  They must have bumped some people on the next Air Canada flight because we were on it.  At the gate we met up with Mike Seymour, Liam and Cole’s dad, on his way to his sons.

Not much stands out from the flight except a moment of black humour, something I’ve worn like armour over the years.  “Vegas, baby,” Hammy declared with a fist pump as the Strip came into view on our final approach.  More than two hours in the air with phones turned off, we didn’t know what news awaited us in Las Vegas.  What was waiting on Twitter was the best Tweet we will ever see.  From @Smack_era:  “So much evil in this world, thanking god for watching over me.  Sustained 2 gunshot wounds, a ruptured colon, and a broken forearm.”

He’d dictated it to Rachel, already at his bedside, and she texted us a photo of him while we were on the cab-ride to the hospital.  It’s the picture that was on newscasts and newspaper front pages all week.  When we got to his room and finally saw him in person, the relief was indescribable.

Sheldon had undergone emergency surgery for the gunshot wound to his abdomen.  Doctors removed a portion of his colon and were able to keep it intact.  His right forearm had been shot clean through, just below the elbow, shattering the radius bone, leaving his numbness in his thumb and lack of mobility in his fingers.

The next ten days at Desert Springs Hospital were a rollercoaster.  One or all of us stayed in his room each night, and all five were there throughout the day.  It didn’t take long before his hospital room looked like a hotel room on a Led Zeppelin tour.   His condition improved by the day, but not without setbacks.  An elevated white count revealed pockets of infection, not uncommon in a wound to the stomach like his.  And an alarming drop in his red count was a sign of internal bleeding.  He would be back in ICU again before he’d improved enough to finally be cleared to return to Victoria, but was cleared to leave only after confirmation of a bed waiting for him at Victoria General, and only flying home on an air ambulance.

After 35 years in the news business, this experience has given me a fresh perspective, from the other side of a news story.  The media interest in Sheldon’s story was intense and we did our best to accommodate as many requests as we could.  On the day after his surgery he agreed to an interview with a CBC National crew (Briar Stewart and Chris Corday, whom I had hired at A-Channel years earlier).  My proviso was that they pool the material with other media, so he’d only have to do it once.    The following day, ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir interviewed Sheldon, among others, and it was thanks to that coverage we located the man who helped save his life.

Jimmy Grovom is a paramedic in Orange County California.  He had lived and trained as an EMT in Las Vegas and his parents now live there.  He and his girlfriend and brother were in a group of about a dozen people at the concert.  When the shooting began Jimmy told his brother Matt to get his girlfriend to safety while he helped other victims.  Jimmy had also been shot through the calf, but kept working to assist others.  One of them was Sheldon, who himself had been hit helping a woman in the melee.

Jimmy was in the first aid tent with Sheldon, plugging the holes in his arm and stomach, kneeling on him to try to stanch the bleeding.  Jimmy even had to fend off a veteran military medic, a Marine corpsman who insisted he was using the wrong technique and put him in a chokehold to stop him.  Finally, after breaking free, Jimmy got Sheldon into a pickup truck and stayed with him until he was triaged as a priority patient and prepped for the OR at Desert Springs.

On the Muir broadcast, Sheldon talked about this guardian angel, and how he would love to meet him and say thank you, maybe buy him a beer.  A friend of Jimmy’s saw it, and knew that Jimmy was also trying to find the Canadian kid he’d helped.  The reunion is unforgettable.  Jimmy and his brother and their parents, and us, crowded around Sheldon’s bed, two families who’d never have met had it not been for the forces of good in the face of such evil.  Later we also reunited with Erik Frazier, the man with the pickup truck, and Melanie and Jeff, two of the EMTs in the tent that night.

The heroism of first responders and bystanders was matched only by the community support and kindness we received during this ordeal, from authorities and the people of Las Vegas to our friends at home and people we have never met.  Naming names is risky because we don’t want to inadvertently leave anyone out.  But, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has been there for us.

Thank you to the people of Las Vegas:  the doctors, nurses and administrators at Desert Springs Hospital; the FBI Mass Casualty Victims’ Services Unit; the Red Cross; staff from the Canadian Consulate, for their support and arranging a Thanksgiving Dinner for Canadians far from home; hotels and casinos that provided accommodation to families; Uber, which waived all charges on hospital trips for a week; food truck owners who showed up outside the emergency room each night, the pilots and nursing crew onboard Flying ICU; and the many volunteers who did whatever they could to help victims and their families.

And thank you to the people here at home:  our family and friends, colleagues, and strangers in Victoria and elsewhere in Canada and the US; the medical staff at Island Health, at Victoria General and Royal Jubilee Hospitals, and community health clinic; people we’ve never met who have reached out with support; amazing Grace for her great care of our home and pets, and for taking the initiative to launch the GoFundMe page in Sheldon’s support.

To the many people who have given so generously to the fund, we simply say “Thank You”.  This will be a long recovery, and the money raised will help Sheldon covering treatment and unfunded medical expenses, and we are so very appreciative.  We are all so fortunate to be part of a caring community.

We are grateful for so much.  And always mindful of the other victims of this tragedy.  The families of those killed and wounded, including the four Canadians who died, Jordan McIldoon, Jessica Klymchuk, Calla Medig and Tara Roe.  We are so sorry for their loss.

As Sheldon and the thousands of other victims of the Vegas assault move from victim to survivor, the outrage at what has happened to them is difficult to contain.  How can US society let this kind of thing keep happening?   If a massacre of concert-goers by a man armed to the teeth with modified military weapons, who turns a high-rise hotel suite into a sniper’s nest, doesn’t bring change, what will?  Five weeks later it is families in a tiny community, shot to death at a Sunday church service.  Will anything change?  Probably not.  Nothing happened after Sandy Hook either.

Many Americans wrap themselves in the Second Amendment, their constitutional right to bear arms.  They overlook the fact that its interpretation, in this modern era of military weapons in civilian hands, is entirely out of context, and that it was written at a time when even an expert marksman couldn’t reload and fire a musket in less than 30 seconds.  But of course, now isn’t the time to talk about gun control, is it?  No.  Once again the time isn’t right.  Maybe next time.  How different might the reaction have been if the Vegas gunman had flown an Isis flag from the broken hotel window?  Then, I suppose, it could be safely referred to as a terrorist attack.

This is the worst massacre in modern US history.  For now.  Until the next one claims even more victims.  The fact is, unless and until enough Americans, and the people they elect, are willing to stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby, nothing will change.  For many Americans, Las Vegas, like Newtown and Orlando and Aurora, and now Sutherland Springs Texas, is a simply a call for more arms.  Better security in churches is what I heard someone suggest this morning.  More guns.

As Canadians, it’s none of our business.  At least for our family it wasn’t until October first.  Now it is, but what can we do?  Economic sanctions?  Money talks and maybe it’s time our vacation dollars tell the US, “We’re not coming anymore”.   I’m told about 65 per cent of the visitors to Las Vegas every year come from Canada.  I’m sure it’s a similarly high number in Maui and Manhattan, and on Main Street USA.  If our 21-year old son isn’t safe from automatic rifle fire at a Sunday night country music concert in America, then maybe we’re better off staying home, or vacationing somewhere else.  That might get their attention.

What really matters, to us of course, is that Sheldon is okay.  He has incredible strength and courage and this ordeal has shown the character of his brother and sister, his mom (and me I guess).  I’m so proud of our family. His recovery is going very well.  Busy days of outpatient treatment since he came home from the hospital are now winding down, and we’re on to rehabilitation.  It’ll take a while but he’s going to be fine, and we will too.  And none of it would be possible without the help of so many of you.

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!

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President Todayville Inc., Honorary Colonel 41 Signal Regiment, Board Member Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Award Foundation, Director Canadian Forces Liaison Council (Alberta) musician, photographer, former VP/GM CTV Edmonton.

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Scientific Report Pours Cold Water On Major Talking Point Of Climate Activists

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From the Daily Caller News Foundation



The purveyors of climate doom will not tolerate the good news of our planet thriving because of modest warming and increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, a recent scientific paper concludes that an optimistic vision for Earth and its inhabitants is nonetheless justified.

Widely accepted data show an overall greening of Earth resulting from a cycle of natural warming that began more than 300 years ago and from industrialization’s additions of CO2 that started in the 19th century and accelerated with vigorous economic activity following World War II.

Also attributed to these and other factors is record crop production, which now sustains 8 billion people—ten times the population prior to the Industrial Revolution. The boost in atmospheric CO2 since 1940 alone is linked to yield increases for corn, soybeans and wheat of 10%, 30% and 40%, respectively.

The positive contribution of carbon dioxide to the human condition should be cause for celebration, but this is more than demonizers of the gas can abide. Right on cue, narrators of a planet supposedly overheating from carbon dioxide began sensationalizing research findings that increased plant volume results in lower concentrations of nutrients in food.

“The potential health consequences are large, given that there are already billions of people around the world who don’t get enough protein, vitamins or other nutrients in their daily diet,” concluded the The New York Times, a reliable promoter of apocalypse forever. Among others chiming in have been The LancetHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the National Institutes of Health.

Of course, such yellow journalism lacks context and countervailing facts —elements provided in “Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations” published by the COCoalition, Arlington, Virginia.

Any deficiency of nutrients from the enhancement of plant growth by elevated carbon dioxide “are small, compared to the nutrient shortages that agriculture and livestock routinely face because of natural phenomena, such as severe soil fertility differences, nutrient dilution in plants due to rainfall or irrigation and even aging of crops,” says the paper.

And while there is evidence of marginal decreases in some nutrients, data also show that higher levels of CO2 “may enhance certain groups of health-promoting phytochemicals in food crops” that serve as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, says the paper, which lists seven authors and more than 100 references. The lead author is Albrecht Glatzle, a member of the Rural Association of Paraguay and a former international researcher of plant and animal nutrition.

Among other points made by the paper are the following: Throughout a majority of geological history, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been several times higher than today’s, which are less than optimum for most plants; atmospheric warming from even a quadrupling of CO2 concentrations would be small compared to natural temperature fluctuations since the last glacial advance more than 10,000 years ago.

Having virtually no scientific basis, the “green” movement’s hostility to carbon dioxide seemingly ignores the gas’s critical role as a plant food. As the paper notes, “CO2 is the only source of the chemical element carbon for all life on Earth, be it for plants, animals or fungi and bacteria — through photosynthesis and food chains.”

The so-called greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide— perversely exaggerated to support climate fearmongering—  is a life-saving temperature moderator that keeps Earth from freezing over.

The obvious benefits of CO2 is “an embarrassment to the large and profitable movement to ‘save the planet’ from ‘carbon pollution,’” write the authors. “If CO2 greatly benefits agriculture and forestry and has a small, benign effect on climate, it is not a pollutant at all.

More CO2 is good news. It’s not that complicated.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist; executive director of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Va.; author of “Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know” and “A Very Convenient Warming: How modest warming and more CO2 are benefiting humanity” and a co-author of “Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations.”

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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NYPD says protesters had weapons, gas masks and ‘Death to America!’ pamphlets

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NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry posted on X photos of items he said the police confiscated from protesters who took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University.

From The Centre Square


“These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious”

A high-ranking official with the New York Police Department said protesters had weapons including knives and hammers as well as pamphlets with “Death to America!” written on them.

Michael Kemper, a NYPD’s chief of transit, posted photos Friday of what police confiscated from the protesters.

“For those romanticizing the protests occurring on college campuses, ‘Death to America!’ is one sentiment that runs counter to what we believe in, what we stand for, and what many have fought for on behalf of this country,” Kemper stated on X. “And if you think the words written on this piece of paper are disturbing … you should hear the vile, disgusting, hateful, & threatening words coming out of the mouths of far too many of these so called ‘peaceful protestors.’”

Kemper posted a video of a pamphlet that stated, “Death to Israeli Real Estate” and “Death to America!” The pamphlet also stated, “DISRUPT/RECLAIM/DESTROY Zionist business interests everywhere!”

NYPD Deputy Commissioner Kaz Daughtry posted on X photos of items he said the police confiscated from protesters who took over Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. The photo showed gas masks, ear plugs, helmets, goggles, tape, hammers, knives, ropes, and a book on terrorism. The book is by Charles Townshend, Professor of International History at Keele University in England. It was published in 2011 and is 161 pages.

“These are not the tools of students protesting, these are the tools of agitators, of people who were working on something nefarious,” Daughtry said on X. “Thankfully, your NYPD was able to prevent whatever they were planning and stop them before they could do it.”

Kemper asked who was organizing the protests.

“However, as we have been stating for the past 2 weeks, there is an underlying radical indoctrination of some of these students. Vulnerable and young people being influenced by professional agitators. Who is funding and leading this movement?” Kemper asked on X.

Kemper also posted a letter from The New School requesting the NYPD’s assistance in removing protesters from their campus on Friday.

“The actions and continuing escalation of these individuals are a substantial disruption of the educational environment and regular operations of the university,” the letter stated.

The New School is a university in New York City. It closed all academic building on Friday and classes were moved to online. The college said classes on campus would resume Saturday.

Fox News reported that 56 protesters were arrested at The New School and New York University.

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