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Canadian Gambling Culture: Perceptions, Behavior and Attitudes


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Over the past few decades, Canadians have become an integral part of the international gambling industry as a form of entertainment. In reality, Canadians consider their gambling to be more a form of risk management than entertainment. This can be seen by the kinds of activities they take part in.

The Canadian perception of gambling is entertainment for recreation, social interaction or freedom of expression. 


The gambling culture in Canada has a long history. Gambling was legal in Quebec and Ontario until 1855; horse racing was also popular. However, gambling had to be done in face-to-face gatherings. It was acceptable to bet on cockfights, dog fights, boxing matches and more.

There were a few restrictions on the type of gambling considered acceptable. Rules stated that more than six players couldn’t play card games. Another limitation was that no one could throw dice while standing.

The Canadian government began to place restrictions on other forms of gambling. In 1892, the government passed an act that banned gambling games like baccarat and roulette. These were said to be similar to the illegal activity of bookmaking.

In 1909, the government passed an act that outlawed any race track or off-track betting in Canada. This was part of a more significant movement that began in the 1800s. It abolished racing altogether because it was considered a sport for wealthy elites, excluding the working class.

Gambling Culture in Canada

Canadian people are more likely to gamble than Americans. That’s due, in part, to their unique relationship with gambling. In Canada, the government is responsible for getting gamblers in the door and keeping them there.

Then, there’s the Great White North’s history with land-based casinos. The first one was built in Montreal in 1875, two decades before its American counterpart. It was designed to keep Canadians from crossing into the US, where gambling was unregulated at the time.

The Canadian government would even run ads encouraging citizens to gamble at home. The country’s history of regulated gaming has made people comfortable going into casinos.

Canada has a long history of gambling. When European settlers first came to the country, they brought gambling games. The first laws passed in Canada to address this were in 1895; the first casino opened in Montreal in 1978.

In 2000, the Ontario government started to allow charitable groups to organize casinos. They were pitched as fun events where people could gamble for fun and benefit a cause. These types of events are organized all over Canada today.

Illegal Sites

The Canadian government has recently cracked down on illegal online gambling sites operating from within Canada. They’ve shut down a few websites and ordered banks to block access to these sites from within Canada.

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction is a very real problem, affecting many people. It can ruin relationships, cause legal trouble and even result in physical harm when the addict gambles away money they need for shelter or food.

To combat this problem, Canada has many laws to limit the accessibility and appeal of gambling. These laws include age restrictions on entering casinos and playing games, like slot machines and poker; bans on advertising; restrictions on where casinos can be located; and limitations on how much a person can spend in a single day at a casino. They also have programs for helping addicted gamblers find rehabilitation.


In the end, there are some severe issues in the Canadian gambling culture that need to be addressed. Many Canadians are becoming involved with gambling of all types, from lottery tickets to horse racing to sports betting and beyond. The result is often financial loss, addiction and other serious problems for society.

Although there have been calls to change or improve certain aspects of the way gambling is promoted in Canada, it appears that these efforts haven’t really been effective. Other approaches should be considered in the future to better protect Canada’s people from their gambling habits.

Illegal activities are also brought under control in Canada, so the government is making efforts to ban websites without licenses. The government has done this to make online gambling safer for Canadians. 


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Top 9 Online Multiplayer Games That Build Strong Virtual Communities

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Online multiplayer games have transformed how people connect. Now, players are fostering tight-knit virtual communities where players share experiences. Through teamwork, creativity, and shared adventures, these games bring people together. This is enriching the gaming experience. Here are our top picks for games that help build strong bonds within their communities.

1. World of Warcraft

Since its release in 2004, World of Warcraft has been a big hit in online gaming and we are not surprised. It has a huge world, cool stories, and teamwork. Players team up for quests, battles, and challenges. 

2. Fortnite

Fortnite is a game that is not just about battling. In fact, players can also create and share worlds. This has gathered a big group of creators who team up and make new stuff in the game.

3. Minecraft

Minecraft isn’t just a game—it’s a place where people create and play together. Its huge world and endless options draw in players from everywhere. Whether building together or playing mini-games, Minecraft brings people together to share and create.

4. League of Legends

You’ve definitely heard of League of Legends – voluntarily or involuntarily – even if you’re not into gaming. It’s everywhere! In this multiplayer game, teamwork is key. Players team up to strategize and defeat opponents, fostering a strong esports community.

5. Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Ever heard of the game Animal Crossing: New Horizons? When this became available to the public, it offered a serene escape to players worldwide. Its calm island world and cute characters encourage players to interact and visit each other. The game focuses on friendship and teamwork, leading to close-knit groups who share and support each other.

6. Among Us

Among Us, popular in 2020, mixes social deduction with multiplayer gaming. Players team up to find impostors. Whether with friends or strangers, it promotes communication and teamwork. You as a player get to create fun moments and friendships.

7. Destiny 2

Destiny 2 mixes shooting and MMORPG features, making it a fun online game. Players can team up for missions or compete in matches. It’s known for its focus on teamwork, bringing players together to fight off aliens.

8. Rocket League

If you’re into making friends online while gaming, Rocket League is perfect. It’s a fun multiplayer game that mixes soccer and cars. Play with friends or in competitions for fast action and easy controls. The community often hosts tournaments, making players feel like part of a team.

9. The Sims 4

The Sims 4 is a fan-favorite game that can get easily addictive and for good reason. In this game, players create and control virtual characters. Each and every move can influence their lives and relationships. The game’s community thrives on shared stories and creations. Players all over the world share their experiences online, from building homes to creating dramas. This collectiveness ends up fostering creativity and community.

To put it simply, these online games offer fun and build strong communities. Whether playing together, being creative, or sharing experiences, they unite players worldwide. Once you start playing them, you get to form friendships that go beyond borders and make life better.


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How to Measure Your Progress in Investing: Hacks for Amateurs

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Capital growth is a clear indicator that your investments are producing the desired results. But even if your portfolio isn’t growing, it doesn’t mean that you are not making progress. Let’s find out how to realize that you are moving in the right direction and by what criteria to evaluate your progress.

Determine Where You Are Moving

It’s impossible to evaluate your progress in isolation from your goals and objectives.

  • What result do you need? What criteria will you use to realize that the goal has been achieved?
  • How will you measure your achievements (use concrete numbers instead of abstractions)?
  • When do you need a result (the deadline should be realistic)?

The goal should be specific, achievable, and time-bound.

For example, a goal might sound like this:

“By the age of 45, accumulate $500,000 and invest it at 8% per annum to quit my job and receive regular passive income.”

Besides the final goal, you should outline intermediate goals; they will help you systematically achieve the desired result and pass specific marks on the way. If we return to the example above, the intermediate marks can be individual amounts. For example, increasing the investment portfolio by $20,000 every year or spending $100 a month on gambling at Vave in Canada to hit the jackpot.

What Criteria to Use to Assess Progress

Besides numbers, there are several other criteria to consider:

Regularity. If you aim to get any results from your investments, investing should become an integral part of your life.

  • Independence. Repeating someone else’s strategy will not get you to your goal. Progress is when all of your investment decisions are the result of your choices based on personal goals and plans.
  • Development. Even the most effective strategy requires adjustments. That’s why it’s important for an investor to always keep up to date, learn new trends and tools, analyze the current state of the economy, etc.
  • Calmness. Beginners often react emotionally to any changes in their portfolio. Over time, an investor learns to objectively assess their risks, analyze wins and failures, and approach investments with a sober head, and this is also a sign of progress.

Assessing Financial Performance

Of course, the main parameter for assessing progress in investments is money. For a more accurate assessment, you can use the Net worth parameter.

Net worth is the amount of net worth of an individual or a family. The progress of investments can be assessed when the capital is gradually increasing.

To calculate the growth correctly, you need to take into account all assets and then subtract the sum of all monetary liabilities.


  • Cash.
  • Money on bank accounts and deposits.
  • Real estate.
  • Movable property.
  • Securities.
  • Gold, jewelry, and luxury goods.


  • Debts on loans and mortgages.
  • Debts to other people.
  • Taxes.
  • Fines.
  • Other mandatory payments in favor of the state.

For a detailed calculation, consider even minor assets and costs. For example, if someone owes you money, this is also an asset. It’s necessary to calculate your personal net worth regularly, at least once a year. As a result of calculating the difference, net worth should grow. Keep a record of the changes. Keep the results of the calculation so that you can evaluate the dynamics and rate of progress a year later.

How to Make Progress

Thus, to increase your net worth, you need to do two things on a regular basis: reduce liabilities and increase assets.

To do this, it’s recommended that you:

  • Pay off all loans early to avoid overpaying the bank and increase your net worth.
  • Optimize spending. 
  • Increase the investment yield of your capital, for example, choose an instrument with a higher yield.
  • Increase savings. It’s unnecessary to keep money only on a bank deposit; you can invest in liquid real estate so that the value of the asset grows with inflation and the market.

At the same time, the investor must have an ultimate goal. If there is no such goal, the process of accumulation may be endless, and then there will simply be no time left to spend what has been accumulated and enjoy your life.

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