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V: Remember Remember the 3rd of November


12 minute read

The power of speculative fiction is amazing.

Consider the examples of Brave New World, Animal Farm, 1984 and V.  Their dystopian visions of our collective future was shocking, yet it was only recently that the power of the fiction was evident.  Everything that was previously written is passing before our eyes.

Last year, V, was merely a brilliant film that is becoming a classic dystopian classic.  This year, its power to predict the abuse of power, the misuse of the power of truth, and the power of the written and spoken word coming to fruition.

Comic book writer Alan Moore was THE brightest, most brilliant, creative writers in our modern comic book era (1980 onward).  His work on Swamp thing turned what was a mediocre book and character into a must-read gothic horror.

His exploration of a country ruled by a malevolent, all powerful evil chancellor with conspiracy undertones, with absolute control over thoughts, censorship and information is becoming all too familiar.   Near the end of the film, the government (under guise), has released an Avian pandemic, an airborne virus and civil war continues stoked by secret research.  While V is telling his story  near the middle of the film, he notes two important things; Fear is the weapon of the government AND a politician is elected who is a devil incarnate with absolute power with no empathy.

The Chancellor and his advisors also exhibit the use of government spin over a long series of events.  In the film, the first bombing by V is claimed by the government to be the unscheduled Bailey demolition and the 1812 Overture just a bonus.  During the narrative, the airborne virus is blamed on a Catholic Institution allegedly researching with bio warfare.  Their use of government spin to divert the public from the true activities of V is a common tool in the kit of propaganda and image publicity, a practise that has descended into Virtue Signalling today and has given rise to a negative view of ‘conspiracy,’ or views that run counter to the ‘official’ story released by the powers that be to justify their responses.

The overwhelming visual in the film is that of the Guy Fawkes Mask and its symbolism.  Now, we can consider that masks in our society today represent safety to some, and unwarranted governmental control to others.  Complying with mask ‘regulations’ without belief in their effectiveness or complying because of a belief in their effectiveness requires both deception and faith, two sides of a coin.  Another aspect of the Guy Fawkes visage is that of anonymity.  In the film, thousands and thousands of masks are distributed guaranteeing wearers the ability to hide behind the truth or behind a great lie.

Let us move from fiction to ‘reality,’ and consider the situation that our world faces in 2020.

In 2019, the worlds financial and political organizations had been signalling that the economic health of the world had been decreasing and a long-term recession was possible.  In early 2020, the situation was not better.

Depending on which side of the Covid 19 coin you fall on, this dreaded virus was active in mid 2019 in Wuhan and actually had been in development by the NIH and several US Universities and laboratories  prior to defunding and moved to China OR it was a real virus the Chinese government released.  The global players in the virus ‘fight,’ the W.H.O., The C.D.C., pharmaceuticals, investors and government health professionals laid out a ‘pandemic’ policy that included economic shut down, lockdowns,   mandatory masks and a future vaccine that would save the world, even if these measures cause more damage than they are supposed to cure.

It is incredibly fascinating that after early Covid 19 mis-steps, the original scripts remain for responses despite evidence to the contrary gathered by even the W.H.O. and the C.D.C. which suggests a reversal of their earlier stances are ignored by the masses and even called ‘conspiracy’ by the main stream media that gobbled up their extreme measures.  An example of this is the revised infection and mortality rates released by the C.D.C. that shows their new creation (patented by the C.D.C.) is less dangerous than a regular flu.  Even the W.H.O has deemed that lockdowns and masks are not effective and has stated that, yet government policy has not reflected this voice of ‘authority.’  If we add in the growing evidence that shows increased rates of bacteriological infections and deaths in healthy individuals due to mask usage, a clear pattern has emerged, the treatment and ‘protection’ may be worse than the disease.

Meanwhile, as I have written previously, doctors and health professionals around the world including Canada have initiated legal action against governments to defend their patients from ineffective treatments.  The Great Barrington Declaration signed now by more than 54,000 professionals takes issue with government response that places politics and profit before research and fact.

The Great Barrington Declaration states that:

“Covid-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza. As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e.  the point at which the rate of new infections is stable…”

Yet, if world-wide professionals have enough confidence to call upon world leaders to change their policies and treatments, why do the naysayers such as Dr. Faucci have such power to dismiss a global, scientific and research based position?

With the US election rising to a crescendo this month, a factor has arisen that shows the effectiveness of yet one more tool in the tool belt of the most powerful organizations in the world:  censorship.  Facebook, twitter, google and other groups routinely use ‘fact checkers’ to vet posts not inline with the approved storyline.  Health related stories that question Covid 19 stats, treatments and causes are routinely buried or deleted giving rise to alternate sites that have been labeled ‘conspiracy.’

In the dystopian novels by Orwell and Huxley, censorship is used extensively to control populations and films like the Matrix explore that concept.  ‘Drinking the Kool aid,’ or ‘taking the blue pill,’ are phrases used to describe those who buy the accepted storylines as fact.

As an aside, the Canadian government has posted an ad looking for a ‘Story teller.’

Censorship is not merely relegated to social media and news organizations but rather it has been entrenched in constitutions around the world now by practise.

The Canadian government has Islamophobia laws in place.  Some countries have anti-covid 19 ‘news’ laws proposed. Justin Trudeau, in his response to the French attack recently noted that ‘Free speech has its limits.’  I wonder who decides those limits and on what topics.

With the sheer volume of distraction news in the media today, and the ability of search engines and platforms to rank breaking stories REAL news is lost.  In the US, the various broadcast news organizations have biases, and regularly practise those.  Fox, CNN, TNN, ABC, the CBC, CTV and other networks routinely present half truths and ignore pressing issues and movements that test democracy and free speech.

In the film near the end, Evey and Finch, the detective are standing beside the train loaded with explosives.  V is dead in the train covered with roses.

In a scene loaded with symbolism and decisiveness, she pulls the lever and sends the train towards destruction on Guy Fawkes Day.

“This country needs more than a building right now, it needs hope,” she says and the strains of the 1812 Overture rise as the flames consume the Parliament.

Theatrical, yes.

True, yes.

Today, in every country around the world we need Hope.

US Citizens need hope that the ‘building’ of political corruption is decimated.  Canadian citizens need hope that our Liberal government will take control of our raging debt before we have to mortgage the Canadian Rockies to the Chinese. Western Canadians want hope that the federal government will recognize the value of our mineral resources and allow us to develop them for economic stability.  Our citizens, North American, need hope to believe that we will be allowed to shop, live, worship and raise our families without onerous regulations and penalties.

There is an image of the man known as V esca

ping from the burning St. Mary’s that encapsulates the genesis of his journey and his mission.  It symbolizes our present truth vs Lie, God vs Satan, Good vs evil, freedom vs control battle struggle.

V states through narration in the film, “Beneath this mask is an idea and ideas are bulletproof.”

Cut to the 1812 Overture….

Tim Lasiuta is a Red Deer writer, entrepreneur and communicator. He has interests in history and the future for our country.

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Misleading polls may produce more damaging federal policies

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From the Fraser Institute

By Jason Clemens and Jake Fuss

72 per cent of respondents in Canada supported a new narrowly-targeted tax on wealth for the top 1 per cent to pay for new government services and/or a guaranteed annual income. But support dropped to only 16 per cent when the plan relied on increasing the GST to 20 per cent. The implications of the data are clear—Canadians support new and expanded programs when they believe someone else will pay for them.

In the wake of the 2024 federal budget, several public opinion polls have been released with potential implications for the future direction of federal policy. But unless the polls are interpreted correctly, the results could be misconstrued and lead to further damaging federal policies.

Most polls continue to show the federal Opposition significantly outperforming the governing Liberals and their partners in government, the NDP. Moreover, polls completed after the Trudeau government released the federal budget earlier this month indicate Canadians generally do not agree with the overall policy direction of the Trudeau government.

For example, according to a recent Leger poll, 56 per cent of Canadians believe the country is “headed in the wrong direction,” 59 per cent “perceive the economy as weaker,” only 19 per cent agree the government’s strategy “will benefit their personal finances,” and only 33 per cent believe the government is “taking positive steps to grow the Canadian economy.”

These results align with a recent Angus Reid poll, which found that 59 per cent of respondents think federal spending had grown too large and spending cuts were needed.

A number of pollsters, however, have noted the gulf between the overall lack of support for federal policies (including the recent budget) and strong support for individual initiatives in the budget. According to the Leger poll, for instance, 73 per cent of respondents support the new $6 billion Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund, 71 per cent support the new National School Food Program, and 67 per cent support the new $15 billion Apartment Construction Loan Program.

But these results are misleading because they only reflect one side of the question—the benefits. In other words, the polls ask respondents if they support specific programs but exclude any costs. When Canadians understand the costs, their attitudes change. They’re concerned about the level of federal spending because they see the costs—rising taxes, mounting debt and increasing interest costs.

Not surprisingly, when pollsters connect new or expanded programs with their costs, support for those programs declines. Consider a 2022 Leger poll that asked respondents about their support for pharmacare, dental care and the federal $10-a-day daycare program.

Support for the three programs is strong when no costs are attached: 79 per cent for pharmacare, 72 per cent for dental care and 69 per cent for daycare. But the level of support plummets when an increase in the GST is attached to the new program. Support for pharmacare drops to 40 per cent, support for dental care drops to 42 per cent, and daycare support drops to 36 per cent.

This general idea of supporting programs—when someone else pays for them—aligns with a 2022 poll, which found that 72 per cent of respondents in Canada supported a new narrowly-targeted tax on wealth for the top 1 per cent to pay for new government services and/or a guaranteed annual income. But support dropped to only 16 per cent when the plan relied on increasing the GST to 20 per cent. The implications of the data are clear—Canadians support new and expanded programs when they believe someone else will pay for them.

This is an important consideration because the Trudeau government has borrowed to pay for most of its new and expanded programs, meaning that the effect of the new spending would be more apparent if the government raised taxes—rather than borrowed—to pay for it. The costs of the government’s approach, however, are showing up in Ottawa’s debt interest costs, which this year will reach a projected $54.1 billion—more than the federal government spends on health-care transfers to the provinces.

As Nobel laureate Milton Friedman said, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. When polling data treat new and expanded programs as costless, they provide misleading results and policy signals to politicians. It’s essential that policymakers understand the degree to which Canadians—after they understand the costs—actually support these initiatives.

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U.S. politics looms large over Trudeau/Ford EV gamble

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From the Fraser Institute

By Steven Globerman

Political developments in the U.S. over the past few years have substantially increased the risk of any investment that relies on unrestricted access to the U.S. market

Last week, the Trudeau government and the Ford government announced a new multi-billion dollar taxpayer-funded subsidy for Honda to expand its Alliston, Ontario plant to manufacture electric vehicles (EV) and host a large EV battery plant. Eventually, the direct and indirect subsidies could total $10 billion from the two governments.

The Honda announcement follows earlier deals with Northvolt, Stellantis and Volkswagen to build and operate EV battery and auto assembly plants in Ontario. According to the Parliamentary Budget Officer, these three deals may total $50.7 billion after accounting for the cost of government borrowing to finance the subsidies and foregone corporate tax revenue from tax abatements tied to production.

Clearly, if future taxpayers across the country (not just in Ontario) are to avoid a huge additional tax burden or suffer reductions in government services, a lot needs to go right for Canada’s EV industry.

In particular, there must emerge sufficient market demand for EVs so these “investments” in the EV auto sector will be fully paid for by future tax revenues from corporate and personal income taxes levied on companies and workers in the EV sector. During their joint announcement of the Honda deal, both Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford ignored this elephant in the room while claiming that the Honda deal will mean 240,000 vehicles a year manufactured at the site and 4,200 jobs preserved, while adding another 1,000 jobs.

By way of perspective, in 2023 around 185,000 EV vehicles were sold in Canada—about 11 per cent of all new cars sold in Canada that year. This is considerably less than the target capacity of the Honda complex and the total expected production capacity of Canada’s EV sector once all the various announced subsidized production facilities are in operation. In contrast, 1.2 million EVs were sold in the United States.

The demand for EVs in Canada will likely grow over time, especially given the increased incentive the federal government now has to ensure, through legislation or regulation, that Canadians retire their gas-powered vehicles and replace them with EVs. However, the long-run financial health of Canada’s EV sector requires continued access to the much larger U.S. market. Indeed, Honda’s CEO said his company chose Canada as the site for their first EV assembly plant in part because of Canada’s access to the U.S. market.

But political developments in the U.S. over the past few years have substantially increased the risk of any investment that relies on unrestricted access to the U.S. market. The trade protectionist bent of Donald Trump, the Republican nominee in the upcoming presidential election, is well known and he reportedly plans to impose a broad 10 per cent tariff on all manufactured imports to the U.S. if elected.

While the Canada-U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Agreement ostensibly gives Canadian-based EV producers tariff-free access to the U.S. market, Trump could terminate the treaty or at least insist on major changes in specific Canadian trade policies that he criticized during his first term, including supply management programs for dairy products. The trade agreement is up for trilateral review in 2025, which would allow a new Trump administration to demand political concessions such as increased Canadian spending on defence, in addition to trade concessions.

Nor would the re-election of President Joe Biden immunize Canada from protectionist risks. Biden has been a full-throated supporter of unionized U.S. auto workers and has staked his administration’s legacy on the successful electrification of the U.S. transportation sector through domestic production. Given his government’s financial commitment to growing a domestic EV sector, Biden might well impose trade restrictions on Canada if Canadian exports start to displace domestic production in the U.S.

In short, Canadian politicians, most notably Justin Trudeau and Doug Ford, have staked the future of Canada’s heavily subsidized domestic EV sector on the vagaries of the U.S. political process, which is increasingly embracing “America First” industrial policies. This may turn out to be a very costly gamble for Canadian taxpayers.

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