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What do carbon taxes and long weekends have in common?


3 minute read

WARNING: $50 per tonne carbon tax will increase the cost of gas by 10 cents per litre.

So do long weekends. Gas went up 12 cents per litre last night, probably because the temperature dropped or a refinery is being upgraded, no wait there is a long weekend coming up. Right this is Thanksgiving weekend, so of course gas will be going up.

It is just a coincidence when all the gas stations prices increases the same amount, at the same time, just before every long weekend.

The government says it will phase in over 5 years this $50/tonne carbon tax, and it will be revenue neutral so taxes will decrease elsewhere as revenue increase. The long weekend gas hikes do not benefit the general population, and it does not stop people from driving, so I look forward to a carbon tax if it cuts my income tax.

My home heating costs will go up too, they say. If you look at your home heating bill, it has very little to do with the cost of natural gas, but the majority of the bill comes from various delivery and administration charges.

So bring on that $50 carbon tax, if it will decrease my other tax bills and if it will help the environment. Let us make it $100/tonne carbon tax, if it will eliminate income tax. I would gladly walk and wear a sweater if it meant no income taxes.

If I did not have to pay income tax, I could probably afford solar electricity, to power electric heat, electric cars etc.

I know this is simplistic and unrealistic, but is much of what is thrown at us by businesses, politicians and lobbyists.

The city bills me about $100 every month for water, sewer and garbage collection. The more water I use and the more sewage and garbage I produce, the higher the cost to the city, so I would expect to pay more. So I am quite willing to accept and promote a carbon tax for polluting the air, and if it means life style changes, I am ok with that. But it has to accomplish something, and my biggest fear is it won’t.

We face changes everyday, and rate of changes has never been faster and we all adapt, survive and thrive with change and I know a carbon tax will not do the harm that the opposition claim, but I am unsure if it will accomplish as much as the supporters claim.

I am a senior and I truly believe that this will be doable and I encourage everyone to think positive and hope that it works.


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SPARC Red Deer – Caring Adult Nominations open now!

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Red Deer community let’s give a round of applause to the incredible adults shaping the future of our kids. Whether they’re a coach, neighbour, teacher, mentor, instructor, or someone special, we want to know about them!

Tell us the inspiring story of how your nominee is helping kids grow up great. We will honour the first 100 local nominees for their outstanding contributions to youth development. It’s time to highlight those who consistently go above and beyond!

To nominate, visit Events (

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