Canadian Energy Centre
Top 10 good news stories about Canadian energy in 2024

From the Canadian Energy Centre
Record oil production, more Indigenous ownership and inching closer to LNG
It’s likely 2024 will go down in history as a turning point for Canadian energy, despite challenging headwinds from federal government policy.
Here’s some of the good news.
10. New carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects to proceed
In June, Shell announced it will proceed with the Polaris and Atlas CCS projects, expanding emissions reduction at the company’s Scotford energy and chemicals park near Edmonton.
Polaris is designed to capture approximately 650,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, or the equivalent annual emissions of about 150,000 gasoline-powered cars. The CO2 will be transported by a 22-kilometre pipeline to the Atlas underground storage hub.
The projects build on Shell’s experience at the Quest CCS project, also located at the Scotford complex. Since 2015, Quest has stored more than eight million tonnes of CO2. Polaris and Atlas are targeted for startup in 2028.
Meanwhile, Entropy Inc. announced in July it will proceed with its Glacier Phase 2 CCS project. Located at the Glacier gas plant near Grande Prairie, the project is expected onstream in mid-2026 and will capture 160,000 tonnes of emissions per year.
Since 2015, CCS operations in Alberta have safely stored roughly 14 million tonnes of CO2, or the equivalent emissions of more than three million cars.
9. Canada’s U.S. oil exports reach new record

Expanded export capacity at the Trans Mountain Westridge Terminal. Photo courtesy Trans Mountain Corporation
Canada’s exports of oil and petroleum products to the United States averaged a record 4.6 million barrels per day in the first nine months of 2024, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Demand from Midwest states increased, along with the U.S. Gulf Coast, the world’s largest refining hub. Canadian sales to the U.S. West Coast also increased, enabled by the newly completed Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion.
8. Alberta’s oil production never higher
In early December, ATB Economics analyst Rob Roach reported that Alberta’s oil production has never been higher, averaging 3.9 million barrels per day in the first 10 months of the year.
This is about 190,000 barrels per day higher than during the same period in 2023, enabled by the Trans Mountain expansion, Roach noted.
7. Indigenous energy ownership spreads

Communities of Wapiscanis Waseskwan Nipiy Limited Partnership in December 2023. Photo courtesy Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation
In September, the Bigstone Cree Nation became the latest Indigenous community to acquire an ownership stake in an Alberta energy project.
Bigstone joined 12 other First Nations and Métis settlements in the Wapiscanis Waseskwan Nipiy Holding Limited Partnership, which holds 85 per cent ownership of Tamarack Valley Energy’s Clearwater midstream oil and gas assets.
The Alberta Indigenous Opportunities Corporation (AIOC) is backstopping the agreement with a total $195 million loan guarantee.
In its five years of operations, the AIOC has supported more than 60 Indigenous communities taking ownership of energy projects, with loan guarantees valued at more than $725 million.
6. Oil sands emissions intensity goes down
A November report from S&P Global Commodity said that oil sands production growth is beginning to rise faster than emissions growth.
While oil sands production in 2023 was nine per cent higher than in 2019, total emissions rose by just three per cent.
“This is a notable, significant change in oil sands emissions,” said Kevin Birn, head of S&P Global’s Centre for Emissions Excellence.
Average oil sands emissions per barrel, or so-called “emissions intensity” is now 28 per cent lower than it was in 2009.
5. Oil and gas producers beat methane target, again
Data released by the Alberta Energy Regulator in November 2024 confirmed that methane emissions from conventional oil and gas production in the province continue to go down, exceeding government targets.
In 2022, producers reached the province’s target to reduce methane emissions by 45 per cent compared to 2014 levels by 2025 three years early.
The new data shows that as of 2023, methane emissions have been reduced by 52 per cent.
4. Cedar LNG gets the green light to proceed

Haisla Nation Chief Councillor Crystal Smith and Pembina Pipeline Corporation CEO Scott Burrows announce the Cedar LNG positive final investment decision on June 25, 2024. Photo courtesy Cedar LNG
The world’s first Indigenous majority-owned liquefied natural gas (LNG) project is now under construction on the coast of Kitimat, B.C., following a positive final investment decision in June.
Cedar LNG is a floating natural gas export terminal owned by the Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation. It will have capacity to produce 3.3 million tonnes of LNG per year for export overseas, primarily to meet growing demand in Asia.
The $5.5-billion project will receive natural gas through the Coastal GasLink pipeline. Peak construction is expected in 2026, followed by startup in late 2028.
3. Coastal GasLink Pipeline goes into service
The countdown is on to Canada’s first large-scale LNG exports, with the official startup of the $14.5-billion Coastal GasLink Pipeline in November.
The 670-kilometre pipeline transports natural gas from near Dawson Creek, B.C. to the LNG Canada project at Kitimat, where it will be supercooled and transformed into LNG.
LNG Canada will have capacity to export 14 million tonnes of LNG per year to overseas markets, primarily in Asia, where it is expected to help reduce emissions by displacing coal-fired power.
The terminal’s owners – Shell, Petronas, PetroChina, Mitsubishi and Korea Gas Corporation – are ramping up natural gas production to record rates, according to RBN Energy.
RBN analyst Martin King expects the first shipments to leave LNG Canada by early next year, setting up for commercial operations in mid-2025.
2. Construction starts on $8.9 billion net zero petrochemical plant
In April, construction commenced near Edmonton on the world’s first plant designed to produce polyethylene — a widely used, recyclable plastic — with net zero scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Dow Chemicals’ $8.9 billion Path2Zero project is an expansion of the company’s manufacturing site in Fort Saskatchewan. Using natural gas as a feedstock, it will incorporate CCS to reduce emissions.
According to business development agency Edmonton Global, the project is spurring a boom in the region, with nearly 200 industrial projects worth about $96 billion now underway or nearing construction.
Dow’s plant is scheduled for startup in 2027.
1. Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion completed

The “Golden Weld” marked mechanical completion of construction for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project on April 11, 2024. Photo courtesy Trans Mountain Corporation
The long-awaited $34-billion Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion officially went into service in May, in a game-changer for Canadian energy with ripple effects around the world.
The 590,000 barrel-per-day expansion for the first time gives customers outside the United States access to large volumes of Canadian oil, with the benefits flowing to Canada’s economy.
According to the Canada Energy Regulator, exports to non-U.S. locations more than doubled following the expansion startup, averaging 420,000 barrels per day compared to about 130,000 barrels per day in 2023.
The value of Canadian oil exports to Asia has soared from effectively zero to a monthly average of $515 million between June and October, according to ATB Economics.
The Great Exodus from the Net Zero Banking Alliance has arrived

From the Canadian Energy Centre
By Gina Pappano
Next, we need a Great Exodus from net zero ideology
In 2021, all of Canada’s Big Five Banks – TD, CIBC, BMO, Scotiabank and RBC – signed onto the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the Net Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA).
U.N.-sponsored and Mark Carney-led, GFANZ is a sector-wide umbrella coalition whose goal is to accelerate global decarbonization and the emergence of a worldwide net zero global economy.
But now, in the first month of 2025, four of Canada’s Big Five Banks – TD, CIBC, BMO and Scotiabank – have announced their decision to exit the NZBA.
This came on the heels of similar announcements by six of the biggest U.S. banks – Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo as well as the investment firm BlackRock leaving the Asset Management subgroup of the GFANZ.
That group, the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, has now suspended operations altogether, and the GFANZ and all of its subgroups are falling like a house of cards.
At InvestNow, the not-for-profit that I lead, we’re considering these developments a victory and a vindication of our work.
In November of 2024, we submitted shareholder proposals to Canada’s Big Five banks asking them to leave both the NZBA and the GFANZ. As of this writing, all but one of them have done just that.
But this is only a partial victory.
When they signed on to the NZBA, the banks pledged to align their lending, investment and banking activities with decarbonization goals, including achieving net zero emissions by 2050. They pledged to focus on higher emitting sectors first and foremost. In practice, this means they would be setting their sights on Canada’s natural resource sector.
That’s because the net zero ideology motivating these groups requires the drastic reduction of oil and gas production and use over a comparatively short period of time.
That is a serious threat to Canada since we’ve been blessed with an abundance of natural resources. Hydrocarbon energy has become the backbone of our economy, and the war being waged against it has already made our lives harder and more expensive. Left unchecked, these difficulties will compound, with ruinous results.
In joining the NZBA, the Big Five Banks agreed to divest from oil and gas, eliminating projects and companies from the investment pool simply because of the sector they work in, as part of a long-term goal of totally decarbonizing the economy.
Presumably, having left the Alliance, those banks could now change course, increasing investment in and lending to oil and gas firms with an eye toward increasing the return on investment for their shareholders.
Except the banks have stressed that they have no intention of doing so. In the press releases and articles about leaving the NZBA, each bank emphasized that this move should not be interpreted as them abandoning net zero itself. All of these banks remain committed to aligning their activities with decarbonization, no matter the cost to Canada, the Canadian economy or the good of its citizens.
This means we still have work to do. While we applaud the banks for exiting the NZBA, we will continue to work to get them to leave behind the net zero ideology as well. Then, and only then, will we claim a full victory.
Gina Pappano is the former head of market intelligence at the Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange and executive director of InvestNow , a non-profit dedicated to demonstrating that investing in Canada’s resource sectors helps Canada and the world. Join the movement and pass the InvestNow resolution at
Alberta extracting more value from oil and gas resources: ATB

From the Canadian Energy Centre
By Will Gibson
Investment in ‘value-added’ projects more than doubled to $4 billion in 2024
In the 1930s, economist Harold Innis coined the term “hewers of wood and drawers of water” to describe Canada’s reliance on harvesting natural resources and exporting them elsewhere to be refined into consumer products.
Almost a century later, ATB Financial chief economist Mark Parsons has highlighted a marked shift in that trend in Alberta’s energy industry, with more and more projects that upgrade raw hydrocarbons into finished products.
ATB estimates that investment in projects that generate so-called “value-added” products like refined petroleum, hydrogen, petrochemicals and biofuels more than doubled to reach $4 billion in 2024.
“Alberta is extracting more value from its natural resources,” Parsons said.
“It makes the provincial economy somewhat more resilient to boom and bust energy price cycles. It creates more construction and operating jobs in Alberta. It also provides a local market for Alberta’s energy and agriculture feedstock.”
The shift has occurred as Alberta’s economy adjusts to lower levels of investment in oil and gas extraction.
While overall “upstream” capital spending has been rising since 2022 — and oil production has never been higher — investment last year of about $35 billion is still dramatically less than the $63 billion spent in 2014.
Parsons pointed to Dow’s $11 billion Path2Zero project as the largest value-added project moving ahead in Alberta.
The project, which has support from the municipal, provincial and federal governments, will increase Dow’s production of polyethylene, the world’s most widely used plastic.
By capturing and storing carbon dioxide emissions and generating hydrogen on-site, the complex will be the world’s first ethylene cracker with net zero emissions from operations.
Other major value-added examples include Air Products’ $1.6 billion net zero hydrogen complex, and the associated $720 million renewable diesel facility owned by Imperial Oil. Both projects are slated for startup this year.
Parsons sees the shift to higher value products as positive for the province and Canada moving forward.
“Downstream energy industries tend to have relatively high levels of labour productivity and wages,” he said.
“A big part of Canada’s productivity problem is lagging business investment. These downstream investments, which build off existing resource strengths, provide one pathway to improving the country’s productivity performance.”
Heather Exner-Pirot, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s director of energy, natural resources and environment, sees opportunities for Canada to attract additional investment in this area.
“We are able to benefit from the mistakes of other regions. In Germany, their business model for creating value-added products such as petrochemicals relies on cheap feedstock and power, and they’ve lost that due to a combination of geopolitics and policy decisions,” she said.
“Canada and Alberta, in particular, have the opportunity to attract investment because they have stable and reliable feedstock with decades, if not centuries, of supply shielded from geopolitics.”
Exner-Pirot is also bullish about the increased market for low-carbon products.
“With our advantages, Canada should be doing more to attract companies and manufacturers that will produce more value-added products,” she said.
Like oil and gas extraction, value-added investments can help companies develop new technologies that can themselves be exported, said Shannon Joseph, chair of Energy for a Secure Future, an Ottawa-based coalition of Canadian business and community leaders.
“This investment creates new jobs and spinoffs because these plants require services and inputs. Investments such as Dow’s Path2Zero have a lot of multipliers. Success begets success,” Joseph said.
“Investment in innovation creates a foundation for long-term diversification of the economy.”
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