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Red Deer RCMP Charge Three Drivers During Impaired Checks Last Weekend


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During the first weekend of holiday checkstops and patrols this season, Red Deer RCMP arrested three drivers – one who refused to comply with a breath demand, one who failed a breath demand, and a third man who refused a breath demand after colliding with another vehicle.

As well as conducting roving patrols all weekend, Red Deer RCMP set up two checkstops on Friday night: one on Gaetz Avenue northbound at Parkland Mall, and another on 30 Avenue southbound at the East Hill Shopping Centre.

A woman who was arrested in a checkstop last weekend was driving despite having her license suspended due to a previous impaired driving conviction; she gave police a false name initially and was found to owe $3,500 in fines after police determined her identity. She now faces a number of charges including impaired driving.

Another man was arrested after a citizen called to report him as driving impaired; the witness saw him leave a drinking establishment and collide with a parked car before driving away. RCMP located him nearby and arrested him, and RCMP are thankful to the good citizen who saw to it that he was taken off the road.

The third driver was arrested after RCMP attended a two-vehicle collision at 59 Avenue and 67 Street shortly before 11 pm on Saturday night. Fortunately, no one was injured in the collision; a 38 year old male driver was arrested for refusing to comply with a breath demand. He was also issued a traffic ticket for failing to make a safe left hand turn.

Drivers who refuse to comply with breath demands face the same consequences as those who are found to be driving impaired: the seizure of the vehicle they are driving, regardless of who the registered owner is, and the suspension of their driver’s license until the charges have moved through the courts.

“This weekend, we took three drivers off the roads who should never have gotten behind the wheel in the first place, and thankfully we got to them before someone was injured or killed,” says Sergeant Kevin Halwa of the Red Deer RCMP. “On the positive side, police officers were extremely impressed with the high number of vehicles we processed through checkstops where there was a sober designated driver or the party goers had taken a taxi or an Uber. Great job, Red Deer!”

RCMP operate checkstops and roving patrols year-round in search of impaired drivers, in accordance with Red Deer RCMP’s commitment to safer roads. RCMP thank the community for continuing to report suspected impaired drivers by calling 9-1-1 when it’s safe to do so, with a license plate, a description of the vehicle and the driver, and the direction of travel.

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FBI admits identity of Hunter Biden laptop in Delaware trial after intelligence officials denied story in 2020

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From LifeSiteNews

By Louis Knuffke

Hunter Biden’s laptop was identified on Wednesday in federal court through serial numbers and Apple records, and FBI agent Erika Jensen admitted it belonged to Biden, after the FBI and intelligence officials covered up the laptop story ahead of the 2020 election.

The Hunter Biden laptop was entered into evidence in an ongoing Delaware trial of Joe Biden’s scandal-ridden son for allegedly illegally purchasing a firearm as a drug addict.

Biden’s laptop, which 51 prominent U.S. intelligence officials publicly claimed was a “Russian hoax” in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, was identified on Wednesday, June 5, in federal court through serial numbers and Apple records. FBI agent Erika Jensen confirmed that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden and that the FBI found no evidence of tampering with the device.

The laptop had been officially handed over to the FBI in December 2019 by the computer repair shop owner at whose store Hunter Biden reportedly left it.

READ: Why did the FBI cover up Hunter Biden’s laptop for nearly 18 months?

Observers pointed out on social media the deception of which the FBI and intelligence officials have now been clearly shown to be guilty in covering up the existence of evidence that would expose the corruption and criminal activity of not only Hunter Biden but also his father just prior to the 2020 election.


READ: Hunter Biden business partner says FBI ‘altered history’ by refusing to investigate Biden family

As has since come to light, after the New York Post published its shocking report about the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop just weeks before the 2020 election, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s senior campaign advisor Antony Blinken orchestrated a letter signed by 51 officials of intelligence agencies smearing the laptop story as a “Russian hoax” in an attempt to keep it from public scrutiny just before the election.

Mainstream media and social media followed suit and the story was effectively suppressed for the time being, allowing Joe Biden to dismiss the scandal in a live 2020 presidential debate against Trump, citing the letter.


READ: New emails prove ‘beyond all doubt’ Joe Biden obstructed justice with Hunter’s Ukraine deal: fact-checker

In 2022 U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida questioned FBI Cyber Division assistant director Bryan Vorndran about the whereabouts of the Hunter Biden laptop during a congressional hearing, and Vorndran then claimed he didn’t “have any information about the Hunter Biden laptop” despite his prominent position at the FBI Cyber Division. Gaetz then proceeded to enter a copy of the Hunter Biden laptop into the official Congressional Record.

Wednesday’s admission of the laptop into court evidence and the confirmation of its identity by the FBI as belonging to Hunter Biden is the latest development in a story that continues to expose the deep criminal corruption of the Biden family.

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Communist China has been directly interfering in Canadian media via journalists, execs: int’l report

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From LifeSiteNews

By Clare Marie Merkowsky

A newly revealed intelligence report is alleging that China has been pressuring mainstream Canadian media in an effort to manipulate the news via “direct engagement” with “media executives and journalists.”

According to a National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) report tabled June 3, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has been interfering with Canadian media outlets by pressuring them to write favorably about the communist regime.   

The report found that China has been “interfering with Canadian media content via direct engagement with Canadian media executives and journalists.” 

A summary of six redacted sentences, which “were deleted to remove injurious or privileged information,” described how the PRC interfered with Canadian news.   

Examples included “paying to publish media articles without attribution, sponsoring media travel to the PRC, pressuring journalists to withdraw articles and creating false accounts on social media to spread disinformation.”  

This is hardly the first time China’s meddling in mainstream media has been exposed. In 2021, Canadian Security Intelligence Service Director David Vigneault warned that foreign interference in media had “become normalized,” especially with ethnic media outlets.    

“In particular, PRC media influence activities in Canada have become normalized,” the briefing memo stated.   

The report followed a March survey which revealed that the majority of Canadians believe that legacy media journalists and government officials are not trustworthy and are “lying to them” regularly.  

Chinese interference in government-funded media is hardly surprising considering Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s open admiration for China’s socialist regime.   

Beyond influencing the media, China is also alleged to be directly involved in the Canadian electoral process.

In April, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) confirmed that China was working to help elect regime-friendly Canadian MPs.  

Later that same month, CSIS director David Vigneault testified that he gave Trudeau multiple warnings that agents of the Communist Chinese Party were going after Conservative MPs, with Trudeau denying he ever got such warnings.

As LifeSiteNews previously reported, details from a “top secret” memo have shown that Trudeau’s office was giving explicit warnings by Canadian intelligence that agents of the CCP were an “existential threat to Canadian democracy.”  

As a consequence of these allegations, the Foreign Interference Commission was convened to “examine and assess the interference by China, Russia, and other foreign states or non-state actors, including any potential impacts, to confirm the integrity of, and any impacts on, the 43rd and 44th general elections (2019 and 2021 elections) at the national and electoral district levels.”  

The Commission is being headed by Justice Marie-Josée Hogue, who had earlier said that she and her lawyers will remain “impartial” and will not be influenced by politics and began January 29. 

In January, Hogue said that she would “uncover the truth whatever it may be.” 

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