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Federal taxes hurting B.C. wineries and craft brewers


5 minute read

From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

By Carson Binda

Trudeau has a habit of saying his government is working to make life more affordable, but tax hikes do just the opposite.

Federal tax hikes are hitting a crucial industry in British Columbia at the worst possible time.

The alcohol industry across B.C. has had a tough couple months. Between forest fires, droughts and cold snaps, wine-growers and craft brewers will have a harder time turning a profit this year. And Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to make things even worse.

In April, Trudeau is hiking federal taxes on beer, wine and spirits by almost five per cent. Taxes already account for about half the price you pay for alcoholic beverages. That means every time you buy a bottle of wine or a six-pack of your favourite craft beer, you’re also buying one for the taxman.

To add insult to injury, the tax hike is automatic, meaning our elected MPs won’t vote on the increased taxes on wine and other alcoholic beverages.

Back in 2017, the Trudeau government introduced a tax escalator on alcoholic beverages. The escalator means the taxes on beer, wine, ciders and spirits goes up automatically every year, without a vote in Parliament.

Regardless of your views on alcohol, it’s wrong for the government to hike taxes without letting the democratic process weigh in.

Trudeau shouldn’t be jacking up taxes on a struggling industry, especially not without letting our elected representatives voice their concerns by actually voting on the hike.

Wine growing is an important industry in B.C., with more than 12,000 people across every region of B.C. employed. It creates more than $3.75 billion for the provincial economy. Almost 1.2 million tourists visit B.C. wineries every year. There are 341 separate wineries in our province alone, with hundreds more wineries across the country.

While taxes on B.C. VQA wines are less than the taxes on non-VQA wines, VQA wines only make up around 19 per cent of sales. Local non-VQA wines in B.C. are the most frequent type of wine sold in the province.

Craft beer is also a big driver of the local economy. There are more than 200 craft breweries in B.C. alone, which made almost $230 million in revenue in 2020. Around 4,500 people are employed by craft breweries in B.C. And more than 95 per cent of wineries, breweries, cideries and distillers in B.C. are small businesses.

A majority of the 1,100 craft breweries in Canada are in rural areas where they are important employers. It’s wrong for the small businesses in rural communities to be picking up the bill for big-spending politicians in Ottawa.

Small businesses selling alcoholic beverages are also going to be paying the tab for Trudeau’s tax binge. Think about all the pubs, bars and restaurants that make ends meet by selling beverages to thirsty British Columbians.

Instead of hitting the gems of our provincial economy with automatic tax hikes, we should be supporting those small mom-and-pop brewers and pubs to ensure they can keep employing thousands of British Columbians and pumping billions into our economy.

Credit where credit is due: Some federal politicians like MP Tracy Gray in Kelowna have been vocal in their opposition to the escalator tax. But that’s falling on deaf ears in the prime minister’s office.

Trudeau has a habit of saying his government is working to make life more affordable, but tax hikes do just the opposite.

If Trudeau really wanted to help the little guy get ahead, he wouldn’t be hiking taxes on small businesses and families.

Carson Binda is the B.C. Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

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Internet bills should itemize Justin Trudeau’s new streaming tax

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From the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Author: Jay Goldberg

If streaming services want to fight back against the Trudeau government’s new streaming tax, which will cost them five per cent of their revenue each and every year, they need to be honest with customers and put the tax right on the bill so subscribers see it and understand how much it’s costing them.

The truth is this is a tax. It will cost Canadians money. And everyone knows it, including the prime minister. Maybe not the prime minister of 2024 but certainly the prime minister of 2018, when, in response to NDP pressure to tax streaming services, Justin Trudeau sensibly refused, saying: “The NDP is claiming that Netflix and other web giants are the ones who will pay these new taxes. The reality is that taxpayers will be the ones to pay those taxes.”

Well, that was then and this is now. Trudeau’s 2018 logic has been thrown out the window. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission announced last week it is “requiring online streaming services to contribute five per cent of their revenues to support the Canadian broadcasting system.” That means streaming services like Apple Music, Netflix, Spotify, YouTube and Disney+ will be hit with a new tax. And, as Trudeau pointed out in 2018, Canadians will be the ones paying the bill.

The government’s own analysis says the new measure will cost Canadians $200 million per year. When businesses are forced to hand over hundreds of millions of dollars to the government, they can’t just eat the cost. As Trudeau himself said, this streaming tax will be passed onto consumers. The industry agrees. Canadians should be “deeply concerned” with the government’s decision to “impose a discriminatory tax,” said Digital Media Association President and CEO Graham Davies, adding the move will only worsen the “affordability crisis.”

Translation: prepare for higher prices.

The streaming services targeted by these new measures shouldn’t take them lying down. They shouldn’t cooperate with the government’s plan to hide the new tax. Netflix, Spotify, Apple, Disney, YouTube and all the rest need to be honest with their customers about why prices are going up: the Liberals’ streaming tax.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre recently wrote an op-ed in this paper telling corporations not to rely on lobbying behind the scenes to influence policy. If businesses want policies to change, they need to convince voters so voters will in turn convince politicians. Canadians have to understand why it’s going to cost them more to watch movies and listen to music. They are fed up with tax hikes. But only if they know what’s happening can they make politicians change course. That’s the right way to stop the streaming tax.

In case it’s not already obvious, simply sitting back and waiting for the next election isn’t good enough. “Obviously, my future government will do exactly the opposite of Trudeau on almost every issue,” wrote Poilievre in his NP op-ed. “But that does not mean that businesses will get their way. In fact, they will get nothing from me unless they convince the people first.”

That’s precisely why these streaming services, from Apple and Google to Spotify and YouTube, need to be honest with their customers about the streaming tax. They should add a separate item on every subscriber’s bill showing exactly how much Trudeau’s streaming tax is costing. They should direct angry calls to MP offices instead of customer service lines.

When everything feels unaffordable, a night in with a movie or a walk with a favourite album shouldn’t get hit with yet another tax hike.

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Current EV strategy charging ahead to failure

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Dan McTeague  Written By Dan McTeague

For years now I’ve been saying that electric vehicles, and EV mandates, are bad for Canada.

Back in 2020, when the then-CEO of Toyota, Akio Toyoda, voiced his concerns that governments were moving too fast in their push for an all-electric car market when there were other good options available which didn’t require the same multi-billion dollar infrastructure overhaul or increase in electricity generation, I asked why we weren’t listening to a man who knows his own business.

When Europe found itself in an energy crisis in the winter of 2022, and the Swiss government asked its citizens to avoid driving their EVs, even considering an outright ban, to protect their fragile electricity grid, I said that with our already-strained grid we were seeing our future playing out before us in Switzerland and mandates or no, consumers just wouldn’t stand for it.

And more recently, as stories have piled up of EVs’ vulnerability to the cold — “We got a bunch of dead robots out here,” as one frustrated EV owner put it, surrounded by frozen EVs that had run out of juice while waiting for a charge in a cold snap — I’ve asked over and over again, why on earth our government is trying to force the large scale adoption of an automobile technology which functions so poorly in a normal Canadian winter.

I take no pleasure in being proved right, but nearly every day brings about a new story of EVs failing to meet the lofty expectations our leaders have set for them.

  • Recent headlines have trumpeted the difficulties EV drivers are having getting their cars fixed, because so few mechanics know how to work on them.
  • People are finding that the resale value of their EV is falling at a much faster rate than their neighbour’s reliable internal combustion engine vehicle.
  • Rental car companies like Hertz have been taking major losses after over-investing in EVs, that no one wants to rent. Apparently people don’t like the idea of pinning their vacation on a car they might not be able to charge.
  • And major auto manufacturers have been significantly scaling back their annual EV production, despite impending mandates which will force consumers to buy their product in just over a decade.

Even with the generous government subsidies handed to Ford in order to produce made-in-Canada electric SUVs, that company has decided to push their release date for the vehicles back two years — a decision that means layoffs for the majority of the 2,700 workers at the plant, according to the Globe and Mail. GM has followed suit, with recent  reports  claiming that they are “having a second look” at plans to build EV motors at their plant in St. Catherines, Ontario.

Those companies are beginning to accept reality, something various nations around the world have started to do, as well. The U.K., Germany, Italy, and other European countries, as well as the U.S., have had resistance to EV mandates play a big role in their politics lately. The Biden campaign was even forced to issue a statement saying, “There is no ‘EV mandate,’” after Donald Trump predicted to Detroit autoworkers that the White House’s pro-EV policies would put them out of work.

In the face of all of this, the Trudeau government continues to double down, reaffirming mandates and shovelling more and more tax dollars into the EV fire.

They should know better.

And maybe they do.

But maybe the dollars and the promises to their activist friends have just gotten so big that they feel like they can’t change course now.

Or maybe they are just too stubborn to admit that people like me were right all along, that they bet big and they bet wrong. And they can’t say they weren’t warned.

Buckle up.

Dan McTeague is President of Canadians for Affordable Energy

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