LISTEN: My date with self-isolation amid the Covid 19 scare – J’Lyn Nye Interview

I was happy to join J’Lyn Nye today on 630 CHED to discuss this. Here is a link to the interview.
It’s funny how these things go. I don’t buy lottery tickets so it’s only fitting that I would be one of the 4.5 million Albertans who may have come into contact with one of Alberta’s seven confirmed cases of Covid 19 (Coronavirus Disease). You can do the math if you’re an oddsmaker.
It started with a phone call late yesterday afternoon from a nurse in the contagious disease unit at AHS. She informed me that a person who had tested positive for the virus had been at a place of business in Leduc at the same time I had been there for an appointment.
After asking a number of questions about how I was feeling, she told me that they’d like me to “self-isolate” for 14 days. During that time, I should take my temperature twice a day and if I develop any symptoms, to call and they’d arrange for a test. There really is no treatment at this point as a vaccine is yet to be developed and will likely be another 12-18 months away from widespread use.
So here I sit. Do I self-isolate? Do I go about my business? I’m a healthy guy. I’ve only had the flu once in my lifetime that I can remember, so what are the chances that I might test positive for this? Again, I’m not an oddsmaker, and certainly not a doctor. In fact, it’s not like the flu at all so that’s a useless comparison. The chances are probably slim. So I look at my calendar. Reality is that I’m lucky. I operate a digital media platform and literally 100% of my work can be done online if needed. I work from home 80% of the time, leaving the house for various business appointments and social events. Luckily my calendar is light with nothing that can’t be moved or dealt with online.
There is one niggly thing though. A recording session this coming Sunday with a band I sometimes play guitar with in Central Alberta. By Sunday, I should be virtually good to go, that being day 12 after my potential contact. It took a lot of schedule bashing to pull everyone together to do this session. Maybe I should just risk it and not tell anyone. And then I think about that … none of my bandmates are getting any younger, in fact, if I’m facing reality, we’re probably all in that age sweet spot where we’re most-susceptible.
Ok, decision made. Postpone the session. Schedule is now clear except for a couple of sundry tasks that can be accomplished with limited help from some friends.
But … then I think about if I worked at a job where I don’t get paid unless I show up to work. Maybe I’m a contractor. Maybe I have a family and am the sole income earner, or I’m a single parent working two part time jobs. I’m not sure I would make the same decision. I mean, seriously, I feel fine. Not even a sniffle. Would I stay home? Or go make some money to pay my monthend bills? I’m happy I don’t have to make that decision.
“… Another thing I’ve thought quite a bit about is toilet paper…”
I’ve now had 18 hours to process all of this and think it through. I must admit, I’ve never really thought that much about how a disease spreads, other than notionally knowing it happens through various forms of contact, and I think is more prone to spread in certain environments; heavily populated, warm, humid conditions, etc. A scientist I am not.
My date with self-isolation has given me a very real opportunity to reflect on my own travels and interactions since having potentially being exposed to the virus eight days ago. With this newfound time in my schedule, I’ve had a chance to think this through. Since yesterday afternoon, I’ve taken myself out of circulation. I have eliminated my risk to others. With luck I won’t test positive, and everyone in my circle will be spared from self-isolation. I will pull out a guitar and work on the material for the session we postponed. Overall, I’m starting to feel pretty good about my decision.
“…I wonder, can our system possibly get on top of this? It feels like a hopeless task, yet we have to try, right?…”
But what if, just what if, I become Positive Confirmation #8 in the province? Suddenly, everyone I’ve been around since March 3rd becomes of interest. Is Arnie at risk? I attended the Power of Success show last Thursday in Edmonton with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Friends. Lucky for them I couldn’t afford the Platinum ticket that would have given me the opportunity shake Arnie’s hand and get my picture taken with the man himself. I’d certainly have been within 2 meters, and I know we would have had a proper and firm handshake.
“…There will no doubt be businesses that close as a result of this- some for good…”
Oh. Something else … the long-term care home I where I visited my Dad and his wife this past Sunday? That could get messy, considering I also spent time with his doctor, one of the few in the area.
Or the auto repair shop I limped my sick car to yesterday morning after taking out both rims on the right side Sunday when I tangled with one of the ridiculously large and dangerous potholes at 110 kph on Highway 43. (That’s a whole other rant!)
The list goes on. As I think of the permutations and potential for chaos, it’s sobering. How quickly this can spread here is yet to be seen. It doesn’t spread through the air like measles, but it does spread through contact, or droplets generated by a sneeze or cough, and can live on surfaces we touch. Washing hands and cleaning surfaces is critical to helping stop the spread, and that’s just basic common sense anyway.
“However, it can spread person to person by larger droplets, like from a cough or sneeze, or by touching contaminated objects, then touching your eyes, nose or mouth,” says Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s chief medical officer of health.
I wonder, can our system possibly get on top of this? It feels like a hopeless task, yet we have to try, right? Maybe geting on top of it isn’t possible. But can we slow the spread with a precaution like I’m being asked to take? Yes we can. But what else has to happen if we’re to make the mitigation effort as effective as possible?
There will no doubt be businesses that close as a result of this- some for good. Think about it. If I go for a coffee everyday at my favourite coffee shop, but because my employer has asked us all to work from home, that coffee shop owner is going to miss out on my $3 bucks a day. And let’s say that happens for 2 weeks. That’s ten cups of coffee, or $30 dollars. I’m not going to go in on the first day back and buy ten cups of coffee. No, I’ll buy one. That money is lost. Multiply that by 100 customers a day and the numbers can add up to a point where many small businesses can’t survive.
There needs to be programs to help them recover. Maybe there are already. What about for the wage earner who has to take time off work to self isolate and make the community safer for everyone else. Is there a program to help them reover their lost wages? How long will that take to put money back in their wallets should they make the sacrifice for the safety of the community? If we’re serious about mitigation, we will need to really think about how to deal with the downstream consequences.
This isn’t survival of the fittest. We need those employers and their employees to get through this and be there when this passes, or we’ll be in even worse shape.
Another thing I’ve thought quite a bit about is toilet paper.
Although this is a new virus and research is only starting to be evaluated, it appears to affect respiratory function more so than gastronomic function, though again, it’s pretty early to know for sure. But best I can tell, there is no way that I need to have a year’s supply of toilet paper on hand. I can see having more than normal, just in case things get out of hand. But to be hoarding it for some weird survivalistic reason, especially against a backdrop of short-term supply shortages exacerbated by recent rail blockages seems … well, just completely irrational to me. Settle down, there’s more coming! And hey, if you’re sick enough to go through that much toilet paper, there may be even more wrong with you and you’ll probably be in a hospital. Show a little kindness for the butts of your neighbours. Like that old joke “…Dick’s a hoarder. Don’t be a Dick…”
Seriously, take a moment and give this a bit of thought. This can change pretty fast, like it did for me. A phone call. And then you don’t go out again for up to 14 days. So think in terms of a 3 week supply of things you’ll need. If you’re alone and have nobody to help you, then you’ll need to be even more diligent in planning.
I’ll let you know how it goes. Hopefully I’ll see you in a couple of weeks!
Here is a link with helpful tips that will help you make an appropriate plan.
From the Government of Canada:
If COVID-19 becomes common in your community, you will want to have thought about how to change your behaviours and routines to reduce the risk of infection.
Your plan should include how you can change your regular habits to reduce your exposure to crowded places. For example, you may:
- do your grocery shopping at off-peak hours
- commute by public transit outside of the busy rush hour
- opt to exercise outdoors instead of in an indoor fitness class
Your plan should also include what you will do if you become sick. If you are a caregiver of children or other dependents, you will want to have thought ahead to engage backup caregivers.
You should also think about what you will do if a member of your family becomes sick and needs care. Talk to your employer about working from home if you are needed to care for a family member at home. If you, yourself, become ill, stay home until you are no longer showing symptoms. Employers should not require a sick leave note as that will put added pressure on limited health care services.
Your plan should include shopping for supplies that you should have on hand at all times. This will ensure you do not need to leave your home while you are sick or busy caring for an ill family member.
Your plan should build on the kits you have prepared for other potential emergencies. For more information on how to prepare yourself and your family in the event of an emergency, please visit
Read more on Todayville Edmonton.
This article was originally published on March 10th, 2020.
Francesco Ventriglia Praises Alberta Ballet and Konstantin Ishkhanov as A Thousand Tales is Set for Dubai Launch

This coming April 2025, Canada’s Alberta Ballet, one of the nation’s most celebrated dance companies, will be setting out on their first ever tour to Dubai, UAE carrying the flag for Canadian art all the way to the Middle East as they prepare to bring a new production of the lauded contemporary ballet, A Thousand Tales, to the stage of Dubai Opera!
Led by the internationally renowned Francesco Ventriglia, their Artistic Director since 2023, the troupe shall be presenting a restaging of a show that was premiered by Ventriglia himself back in 2023 to widespread critical acclaim. A visually stunning and spellbinding production, A Thousand Tales combines the magic of beloved childhood fairy tales with the grandeur of classical ballet, presenting an original narrative inspired by iconic stories such as Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Aladdin, Puss in Boots, and The Three Musketeers, amongst others.
Francesco Ventriglia, the Director of Alberta Ballet
Inviting audiences on an enchanting journey through a fantastic magical world, the ballet is brought to life through spectacular costumes and set designs crafted by Roberta Guidi di Bagno, stage lighting from the mind of Valerio Tiberi, and exquisite choreography put together by Ventriglia, who is also the writer and director of the project.
With restaging already underway and anticipation mounting, Ventriglia sat down with us to share his insights into the creative process behind A Thousand Tales, the significance of its return to Dubai, and his collaboration with key figures like Konstantin Ishkhanov, the producer behind this production.
Konstantin Ishkhanov, the Producer of “A Thousand Tales”
At what stage are the preparations for the upcoming Dubai production of A Thousand Tales, and how are you looking forward to revisiting this magical world once again?
“Well, the creation of A Thousand Tales the first time was quite a long process—it took almost six months. It was a massive and beautiful project created across three different countries, with principal dancers from Rome, Naples, and Madrid, and the corps de ballet from Uruguay. This time is different. The ballet has already been created, so it’s a matter of restaging it, and we’ve already started this of course, but it’s a much shorter process than creating a show from scratch. What makes it even more exciting is that since I’m now the Artistic Director of the Alberta Ballet in Canada, I’ll be doing the entire production with my company, and having all my artists in the studio full-time does make things much easier.”
Are you planning any significant changes to the original production?
“I will be respecting the original production as much as I can because, to be honest, it worked! The audience loved it, and it was a success. Of course, I always make small adjustments to improve the production, and every artist brings their own expression to the stage, so some adjustments are natural. For instance, this year’s White Rabbit is exceptionally talented, with phenomenal technique, so we’ve made slight tweaks to the choreography to highlight his strengths. But overall, there won’t be any major changes.”
Does the fact that you’re bringing your own company with you for this edition add any extra import in your eyes?
“Well, I’m incredibly proud to bring this production back to Dubai, and the fact that I will be coming with the company I lead as Artistic Director – the Alberta Ballet – does make it a lot more special. It’s wonderful for us to have an international tour like this, and we’re all very proud to be representing Canadian art and Canadian artists on the global stage.”
Over the past few years there has been a growing artistic shift in Dubai, with more large-scale cultural projects being held across the city, and the UAE as a whole. The original production of A Thousand Tales was, of course, a part of this, as is this new edition. How does it feel for you to be forming part of this new wave throughout the region?
“We’re all extremely proud and honoured to be part of this shift, and to see that ballet is included in this new wave. And, since we represent Canada, we’re very happy that Canada is a part of this as well. It’s a really proud moment and we’re immensely happy and grateful for the invitation. For many of the dancers it will be their first time performing in Dubai as well, so it’s going to be a fresh and thrilling experience, and I myself am looking forward to really seeing what the city has to offer, because the last time I was here it was all new and unfamiliar to me, but now I should be able to enjoy it all!”
Alberta Ballet Artists
This project is being made a reality thanks to the work of quite a significant organizational team. How has your collaboration been with them so far?
“Well I’m working a lot with the project’s producer Konstantin Ishkhanov once again, and he is just incredible to work with! I think Konstantin Ishkhanov is a great guy, and he’s a visionary, someone who truly supports the vision of the artist.
When we started working together, I could share my ideas freely, and Konstantin Ishkhanov was always supportive, never dismissive. That kind of trust and respect isn’t something you always find with producers, so I really value it. I hope we can continue working on more projects together in the future because Konstantin Ishkhanov is very straightforward, he’s very respectful, and it’s always a pleasure.”
What are you hoping that audiences will take away from this production?
“I hope audiences can fully enjoy the journey. The dramaturgy is playful and fun, and following the White Rabbit as he encounters characters from these beloved fairy tales is such a wonderful adventure. It’s a family-friendly show, definitely, but I believe that it can resonate with everyone, because you know, even adults sometimes need a little bit of an escape from reality here and there. Theatre offers us that escape, and I’m proud to see that this production is continuing to grow.”
Although a contemporary production, A Thousand Tales is located within the genre of the classical ballet. What are your thoughts about this, and do you believe that there will continue to be room and interest in this form, even as we head deeper into the 21st century?
“Yes, absolutely! Classical ballet will never die, I truly believe this. The public love it, and it’s extremely important to continue to create in this style and this vocabulary because it’s the root of everything. Without classical ballet, we will not have contemporary new creations. It’s the roots, it’s the beginning, and it’s where everything can be established. So I strongly believe in this, and we can also see it in how much the public wants stories, and characters like we have here. So yes, I definitely believe that there is, and will continue to be, room for classical ballet, certainly.”
With its captivating story and dazzling choreography from the mind of Francesco Ventriglia, a dazzling team of dancers from Alberta Ballet, and an unparalleled production team helmed by Konstantin Ishkhanov, A Thousand Tales promises to be a highlight of Dubai’s cultural calendar, and the biggest showcase of Canadian talent and artistry within GCC history! Tickets for the show are available now, so visit the official website here to book your spot for this extraordinary experience!
Article contributed by “A thousand Tales” Press Office
Don’t default to the Rate of Last Resort

Alberta’s government is encouraging Albertans to explore their electricity options and take charge of their power bill.
Albertans need to be able to make smart financial choices, including choosing an affordable electricity plan that best meets their needs. While most ratepayers choose to sign competitive contracts with one of more than 50 electricity providers in the province’s uniquely competitive market, those who don’t are automatically enrolled on the Rate of Last Resort – the default electricity rate – and likely to pay more for their power.
As part of ongoing efforts to help Albertans save more on their electricity bill, Alberta’s government is launching an advertising campaign to encourage Albertans to explore their electricity options and ensure they know they don’t have to settle for the Rate of Last Resort.
“Albertans shouldn’t pay more on their power bill than they have to. Our government is taking action to ensure they have the tools they need to make informed decisions about their electricity so more of their hard-earned dollars can be used where they’re needed most for them and their families.”
Last year, tens of thousands of households made the switch from the Rate of Last Resort to a competitive contract. The campaign aims to ensure new Albertans and first-time ratepayers still on the Rate of Last Resort know they have choices when it comes to their power bill, and a better electricity option that could save them hundreds of dollars may be available to them.
“Alberta’s competitive electricity market gives consumers choice, and for most Albertans, competitive retail rates are a better choice than the Rate of Last Resort. I encourage everyone to learn about their electricity options and contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate if you need help understanding your utilities.”
The campaign builds on existing consumer awareness initiatives and efforts to lower utility bills and protect ratepayers from volatile price spikes. New regulations came into effect Jan. 1 that require providers to clearly indicate on customers’ utility bills if they are on the Rate of Last Resort and inform them of their competitive retail market options. Every 90 days, the Utilities Consumer Advocate will contact all ratepayers on the Rate of Last Resort, confirm whether they would like to remain on the default rate and encourage them to explore their options.
“Moving to a new place can be overwhelming and expensive, especially those moving from outside the province or country. Alberta’s government is helping ease stress and financial strain by making sure newcomers are informed about their electricity options.”
To protect any Albertans who may not be able to sign a competitive contract from sudden, volatile price spikes, the Rate of Last Resort is set at approximately 12 cents/kWh. The rate is set every two years and can only be changed by a maximum of 10 per cent between two-year terms. Through these changes, Alberta’s government is making the Rate of Last Resort more stable and predictable for Albertans unable to sign a competitive contract. Albertans who are looking for help with their utility bills or are experiencing a dispute with their provider should contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA).
Quick facts
- Albertans have three options when purchasing their electricity: the Rate of Last Resort, a competitive contract for a variable rate, or a competitive contract for a fixed rate.
- Competitive retail contracts continue to provide the best, lowest cost options for Albertans.
- The Rate of Last Resort is approved by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) and is not determined by the government.
- Approximately 26 per cent of residential customers purchase electricity through the Rate of Last Resort.
- Approximately 29 per cent of eligible commercial customers and 40 per cent of farm customers purchase electricity through the Rate of Last Resort.
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