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Why Not Me? – Chapter Five


53 minute read

Chapter Five 

The Wisdom to Maximize your Potential

Key #44
Givers Gain

Sometimes what you want, needs to come from others. You will need to be the type of person they want to give to. Financial gain is neither the main focus nor motivator for this book. However, financial gain is simply a natural result of unlocking your life and releasing your potential. What is far more important than financial gain is personal gain. When you are on your deathbed, you won’t care much about the size of your bank account, but you will care about the legacy of good times and warm memories you are leaving behind. Have you ever been to a funeral service where people talk about the dead guy’s huge house or fancy car? Of course not. All that people will remember is the type of person you were. Either you were respected or you were not. In the end, all that we have is respect. Respect for others is something that is getting harder to find in our society. People are becoming more and more self-absorbed and less caring about the needs of others. 

• Have you ever pulled over to the side of the road to help someone change a flat tire?

• Have you shoveled the snow off of your neighbor’s sidewalk? 

• Have you ever mowed a senior citizen’s lawn for them?

• Have you ever moved out of your bus seat, to allow an elderly person or a pregnant lady to rest?

If you can’t answer “yes” to any of these things or similar questions, you have to ask yourself why that is? It’s not because you’re a bad person, it’s because you aren’t thinking beyond your own needs. 

Generosity and self-respect are linked. When one respects oneself, one is able to respect others. When you feel good about yourself and respect yourself, you will naturally have the urge to give to others. One way of gaining respect is by being generous. When you start to give your time to others, people will look at you with respect and afford you dignity. When you consistently receive respect as a result of your generosity, you can’t help but to start to feel pride in yourself. You will find that you will gain far more than you give. This is the natural cycle of things. Giving starts the receiving process. Maslow’s pyramid chart illustrates that the highest functioning human is one who has all of her personal needs already met and so is able and driven to provide for the needs of others. Do you remember the Golden Oldies Key? One of the biggest “golden oldies” is the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Doesn’t this make just a little more sense now? Could it be that this old Bible saying was trying to teach this concept? It’s best if you give just for the sake of giving. However, if you need a reason, then just try to understand the universal truth: that Givers Gain (BNI Corporate Motto). There is another version of this that I prefer, known as the Platinum Rule; “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them.” This way you will give what they want to receive, not what you would want to receive. Givers Gain is also true with the giving of respect. If you take the time to treat even the lowliest person with dignity and respect, you will be worthy of the respect of the entire world. If you are the type of person who belittles others and picks on those weaker than you, then you have no hope of ever gaining any real respect or dignity. Here is a personal example of how Givers Gain: I’m a Canadian, so my winters involve lots of snow shoveling. The first snowfall of 2006 gave us a four-inch layer of the heavy white stuff, so out came the snow shovel for my cold-weather workout. When I was done with my walkway, I felt ambitious, so I also shoveled the walk for the neighbors on each side of me. It was no big deal; I just wanted to work up a bit of a sweat, and this was the easiest way for me to do that.
That evening, the snow started again, so I made a mental note to get up early enough that I could shovel the walk before going to work. When morning came, I looked out my window to see how much snow had fallen, and to my surprise, my walk was already shoveled! My neighbor had decided to re-pay me by clearing off my walk. This started a friendly, fun competition. We started racing outside during each snowfall to shovel the other person’s walk before they could shovel ours. The neighbor on the other side of me soon joined in the game and started shoveling not only my walk but also the walk on the other side of him as well. There was one week where I was away on business with my pregnant wife left home alone. During that week, it snowed almost every day, but my wife didn’t have to shovel even once. Without being asked, the neighbors were more than happy to cover for me while I was away. Givers Gain.

This same principle works in any situation where you have an opportunity to give a little of your time to others. When people see you making an effort to help others, your deeds do not go unnoticed. You will reap what you sow.

Key #45

We judge ourselves based on our intentions; others judge us based on our actions. 

Let me tell you about Bob. Bob is a fellow with great intentions and a big heart, but the rubber never seems to meet the road. What I mean is, Bob talks a good game, but he never actually gets anything done. If you need a favor, he’s never there for you. He loves having others do his work for him, but he won’t lift a finger to help others. He’ll lend you money, because it doesn’t involve effort, but he won’t show up on moving day to lift a sofa. Bob will defend his laziness by saying, “Yeah, but I have a good heart!” Well, sorry Bob, but a good heart doesn’t pay the bills, fix the car, do the dishes, or maintain a friendship. Just having good intentions isn’t enough. It is our actions, and the results that our actions produce, that define who we are. If you expect others to respect you, you must be aware that you will only receive the amount of respect you command. You can only command respect through consistent positive actions throughout your life. Likewise, you must be a big enough person to give respect to others. Small people rarely give compliments, but they are always eager to receive them. 

It’s what is in your heart when you act, not your actions alone, that are the measure of your good. Do the right thing for the right reasons.

There is a lesson shared in the Bible’s New Testament that states: “The man who stands in public praising God so that others will notice will receive his rewards; however, his rewards will be no greater than that of the man who worships privately at home.” There are also several lessons that state: “You may fool others, but you can’t fool God, for He knows what is truly in your heart.”

Thoughts on Intention:

Doing the right thing to gain favor is a transparent act that fools no one. Doing the right thing out of a desire to give, teach, or help is not always an obvious act, nor is it always rewarded; it is, however, the only true way to act and to be genuine in your actions.

It is not your intentions that will result in reward, only your actions.

Key #46
Everyone makes an impact

What you choose to do or not do with your life has an enormous effect on the world around you. This is relevant to understanding the power that is within us all. To help you to understand the power of your actions, here is a story that literally made me cry the first few times that I read it.

I hope that you enjoy it. More importantly, I hope that you understand its relevance to your own life. 

57 CENTS … (source unknown)

A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was too crowded. “I can’t go to Sunday School,” she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by.

Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the pastor guessed the real reason she had been turned away. He took her by the hand, took her inside, and found a place for her in the Sunday School class. The child was so happy they had found room for her, and she went to bed that night thinking of the children who have no place to worship Jesus.

Some two years later, this child lay dead in one of the poor tenement buildings. The parents called for the kindhearted pastor who had befriended their daughter to handle the final arrangements. As her poor little body was being moved, a worn and crumpled purse was found that seemed to have been rummaged from some trash dump. Inside was found 57 cents and a note scribbled in childish handwriting: “This is to help build the little church bigger so more children can go to Sunday School.” For two years she had saved for this offering of love.

When the pastor tearfully read that note, he knew instantly what he would do. Carrying this note and the cracked, red pocketbook to the pulpit, he told the story of her unselfish love and devotion. He challenged his deacons to get busy and raise enough money for the larger building.

But the story does not end there. A newspaper learned of the story and published it. It was read by a Realtor™ who offered them a parcel of land worth many thousands. When told that the church could not pay so much, he offered it for 57 cents.

Church members made large donations. Checks came from far and wide. Within five years, the little girl’s gift had increased to $250,000—a huge sum for that time (the early 1900’s). Her unselfish love had paid an enormous dividend.

When you are in the city of Philadelphia, look up the Temple Baptist Church, with a seating capacity of 3,300, and Temple University where hundreds of students are trained. Have a look, too, at the Good Samaritan Hospital and at a Sunday School building that houses hundreds of Sunday school children, so that no child in the area will ever need to be left outside during Sunday school time.

In one of the rooms of this building may be seen the picture of the sweet face of the little girl whose 57 cents, so sacrificially saved, made such remarkable history. Alongside it is a portrait of the kind pastor, Dr. Russell H. Conwell, author of the book, Acres of Diamonds.

This story is a wonderful example of the ripple effect that our actions can have. By understanding the power of your actions, you will be more likely to choose them carefully. 

Go ahead. Grab a tissue and a glass of water. This story brought a tear to my eye, so I just had to find a way to include this story in this book. 

“You may never know what results come from your actions;
But if you do nothing, there will be no results.” 


Ask yourself this: “What type of person do I want to be?” Do you want to just improve your own life, or is it important for you to lift others as well? Once you make this decision, you will be more conscious of each decision you make. The effect or lack of effect that your actions have on others may be immeasurable.

Key #47
Don’t argue: you shouldn’t have to be right

Here is one key that was hugely important for me to understand. I used to argue with anyone—about anything. I just couldn’t tolerate an opinion that differed from my own. This stemmed from a belief that, if my opinion mattered, then I would matter. For me to be right, there had to be something right about me. If I could get someone to agree with my point of view, I would feel important and influential. By convincing someone else, I felt that I was smarter than they, and it just took some arguing to prove it! Once I realized that it wasn’t about me and that my opinions were not weakened by contradictory opinions, I was then able to let go of a lot of anger. Getting angry at the opinion of others is a sure sign of insecurity. Other people’s opinions are a product of who they are, so if I can’t accept their opinions, then I can’t accept them for who they are. We all have a right to believe anything we want to believe, regardless of what we believe is right or wrong. 

It is possible to respect an opinion without agreeing with it. For instance, you don’t have to agree with, or support, homosexuality to respect homosexuals. (I chose this topic as it often evokes emotion in people.) The fact that I happen to be a heterosexual isn’t affected in any way by shaking the hand of a man who is gay. His beliefs or orientation aren’t going to make me any less heterosexual just because I’m not angry with him. Of course, homosexuality is not a belief system. However, the point remains the same. Differences need to be respected. This concept is transferable to any differences, whether it is differences in beliefs, lifestyle, culture, or physical appearance. We don’t have to agree with or condone the differences in order to respect the rights of others to be different. 

Opinions can be contagious, but there is no need to avoid being exposed to opinions or ideas that contradict our own. Opinions should never be considered to be a threat unless they are highly negative or filled with hate. Religious wars have been and are now being fought for the sake of being “right.” Believe in what you like and believe it as strongly as you like; just don’t battle, or go to war to protect your beliefs. It is people’s actions that create a threat—not their beliefs. 

Let others believe what they wish. If you want your beliefs to be respected, you must also respect the beliefs of others, regardless of how silly or wrong you may think they are. You may go to war to protect your family, human rights, way of life, or sovereignty—but don’t go just because someone has a different belief system from yours. 

If you are secure in what you believe, then there should never be cause to feel threatened by contradictory beliefs. If you believe that the entire universe was created in six days, then there is no need to attack those who believe that it took billions of years to create the heavens and earth.

The truth is independent of our beliefs. 

When the scientific community (the Church) believed that the world was flat, this belief was touted as an absolute fact. Anyone who said anything different (Galileo) was jailed or put to death as a heretic. Dissent equaled treason against the Church. No matter how strongly the people believed that the world was flat, the world didn’t get any flatter. It didn’t matter how many people were punished for saying the world was round, the world still didn’t get any flatter. The truth was and is that the world was and is a sphere. The truth wasn’t affected by the so-called “facts” of the day. The truth is independent of what we believe. By understanding that we really don’t “know” much (if anything), we will then have the wisdom to take both new and old information with a grain of salt. 

“The only true wisdom is in knowing that we know nothing.” 


When people are confronted with an opinion that is way out of their comfort zone, they are quick to call others “crazy” for having that opinion. If an opinion is out of your comfort zone, it doesn’t matter how true it is; you will find difficulty accepting it as truth. Just because something sounds “crazy” doesn’t mean that it’s not true. 

Imagine a UFO lands in your own back yard; an alien emerges from the craft, has a nice chat and cup of coffee with you, and then flies away. If it happened, it happened, and there is no amount of denial that’s going to change that. However, you will still be called a “crazy nut job” by most anyone to whom you tell the story. 

You could have a home video, still photos, and even a lock of hair from the alien, and it still wouldn’t matter. A few more people might be convinced, but the majority will ignore the truth and find ways to discredit your evidence. The easiest way to trivialize and discredit a story is to label it as “crazy.” 

It takes maturity and self-confidence to be open to uncomfortable possibilities. For most people, making a lot of money is a very uncomfortable possibility. The idea that you are capable of far more than you ever thought possible is a very uncomfortable possibility, but it’s true regardless of how uncomfortable you feel about it. The more open you are to the possibility that some of your beliefs might be self-limiting, the more able you will be to identify and remove those beliefs. Also, if you are able to accept the possibility that you might not be “right,” then you will have the ability to have much more respect for the uncomfortable opinions and beliefs of others. Just because something is uncomfortable to you, doesn’t mean that it isn’t correct. 

The stronger you hold onto the idea that others should agree with you, the smaller your world will be. 

It’s important to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. To learn anything, it means that you will have to accept that there is more for you to learn. Anytime we try something new, it is going to be uncomfortable since we haven’t done it before. If you’re not able to deal with the discomfort, then you will not be able to grow. Building your muscles works the same way. If you want to build your muscles and increase your strength, then you must push yourself well past a level that is comfortable. If you don’t go beyond what is comfortable, your muscles will not grow in either size or strength. 

“Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong.” 

Peter T. McIntyre

Key #48
Ignorance/Arrogance VS. Confidence/Wisdom

This is an example of positive versus negative traits and positive versus negative results. Remember that choosing positive energy is constructive, and negative energy is destructive. 

Confidence is sometimes mistaken for arrogance. At a glance, there seems to be a fine line between confidence and arrogance, but in fact they are drastically different things.

• Arrogance stems from a lack of confidence, not over-confidence. 

• Arrogance manifests when a person doesn’t believe in themselves, so they run around with their nose in the air trying to convince themselves and others that they are better than those around them. 

• Arrogance begs for the respect of others.

• Arrogance is blind to any truth that threatens its own beliefs. 

• Arrogance needs to be validated by others.

• Arrogance needs to hear that it is right, and you are wrong.

• Confidence stems from strength, maturity, and wisdom.

• Confidence occurs when people have faith in their own abilities. 

• Confidence is quiet and doesn’t have to show off to others.

• Confidence doesn’t require attention or affirmation from others.

• Confidence is wise and able to accept the truth, regardless of what the truth reveals.

• Confidence doesn’t have to be validated by others.

• Confidence doesn’t insist that it is correct and that you are not.

It is important to understand the difference between confidence and arrogance so you can identify these traits in yourself and choose to accept or adjust these traits. Also, when you are able to recognize the difference in others, you will find you have more patience for arrogance since you will realize that the arrogant person is actually crying out for help. 

“Every obnoxious act is a cry for help.” 

Zig Ziglar

Confidence is the ability to jump into a situation with little idea of what you are doing, but having faith in yourself to figure it out. 

Bravery is having no idea what you are getting into—no idea if you can make it work, but you know it has to be done. You make it your responsibility to do it. Bravery is acting in spite of your fears. 

Arrogance is telling others how it should be done—taking credit for the positive, and blaming others for the negative. 

We choose what we wish to be. If you wouldn’t choose to put a particular character trait in your resume or on your business card, then why would you choose to keep it in your personality?

Key #49
Forgive yourself, and others

To fully release your potential, you must fully release any excess baggage that may be weighing you down.

When is the last time you screwed up badly? Did you lose sleep over it or beat yourself up about it? Did you ask yourself, “How could I be so stupid?” I can certainly think of a few times when I put my foot in my mouth by blurting out something ridiculous. I can even remember times when my screw-ups caused harm to my reputation. These things happen to all of us from time to time; none of us is perfect. 

It is not a positive use of our energy to spend time worrying about the consequences of our mistakes. What is a positive use of our energy is to accept responsibility for our mistakes. If you are able to correct the wrong, then of course correct it. However, we are often not able to correct the wrong. In this case, the only thing left to do is to learn from the wrong so that it will not be repeated in the future. We can’t change the past; we can only learn and grow from the lessons that our mistakes teach us. By forgiving yourself for being an imperfect human being, you will then be able to release yourself from the baggage of regret. Regrets weigh heavily on the mind, so the more you can dump the regrets from your mind, the freer your mind will be. 

Accepting responsibility for our mistakes doesn’t mean that we are deciding to punish ourselves for them; it means that we are ready to learn and grow from them. 

When was the last time someone did something nasty to you? Did you lose sleep over that, too? Do you spend time wishing for either revenge or justice of some sort? What about the last time someone did something nasty to someone else that resulted in you losing sleep? Did you wallow in the question, “How could you have done such a thing?”

Why is it that we choose to punish ourselves for the negative actions of others? By spending your time and energy being angry at the person who did something wrong, you are punishing yourself by focusing on the negative energy of the misdeed. What is needed is to forgive the person for their wrongdoing. Forgiving doesn’t mean that there won’t be or shouldn’t be any consequences, it just means that you won’t be hurting yourself by hating the wrong doer. 

By forgiving, you are not letting the wrongdoer off the hook; you are letting yourself off the hook.

“Bitterness is like drinking a cup of poison and expecting someone else to die.” 


“Please forgive me for my trespasses, as I forgive those who trespass against me.” 

The Lord’s Prayer

Key #50
Skeptics shouldn’t have airtime

As we have already learned, choosing the positive is choosing to be constructive with your life, and choosing the negative is destructive to your life. 

Skepticism is usually a negative use of one’s energy. Thus, it should not have too much focus placed on it. The opposite of skepticism is curiosity. When you are exposed to information that seems unlikely or uncomfortable, the immature reaction is immediate skepticism. The mature reaction is immediate curiosity. Both reactions shield you from being gullible or being suckered into believing false information. The skeptics will not have the perspective to see any truth that may be right in front of them. Their skepticism (being negative) is blinding the skeptic from any possible truth.

The curious, however, are equally open to either outcome, true or false. The curious are not concerned with how comfortable the truth is but only about what appears to be the truth of the matter. 

The mainstream media sources have a habit of giving more airtime to skeptics than to curious investigative reporters. As a result, the bulk of the population is only familiar with the skeptical viewpoints, and thus any information that contradicts the skeptics is treated as silly or trivial. People have a natural tendency to avoid skepticism and criticism. Most people, therefore, will simply go along with the skeptics to avoid being ridiculed or criticized. 

A major change I would like to see in society is for skeptics to be the ones who are trivialized and marginalized. It is the curious investigators who should be given the majority of airtime in the media, thus receiving the majority of the focus from the bulk of the population. By replacing the immense amount of negative energy put into skepticism with the positive energy of curiosity, there would be a powerful surge in the progress of the human race.

Imagine if our scientists were not concerned with being laughed at by their peers, but instead were empowered to ask any question about any topic they chose. Imagine what would happen if we were curious about alternative energy instead of constantly being skeptical about the viability of solar, wind, and geothermal energy. If the immature skeptics were trivialized instead of the mature curious, then there would be solar panels on the roof of every home on earth. The reduction in fossil fuel dependency would be astronomical; thus, the demand for fossil-fuel-generated electricity would be enormously reduced. The only thing stopping this from happening is the misinformation of the skeptics who are treated as experts. 

In Europe, it is very common to have solar panels on homes to augment electricity; yet in North America, it is exceedingly rare. The difference is public consciousness. It’s what is believed to be normal or abnormal that has people following a trend. Few people are willing to put up with the skeptics who constantly criticize what they don’t understand, so instead they simply go with the flow and conform to what the skeptics tell them is normal and acceptable. 

What a different world we would have if we didn’t just accept that the world is flat to avoid being ridiculed for our curiosity. The world stayed flat for more than 200 years after Galileo. What progress could we have made if the skeptics were treated as children, and the curious as mature adults? Our society’s values are backwards in this regard. Skepticism retards the evolution of the human race.

If this one societal change were to occur, then all who control the media and even our politicians would be completely disempowered to misdirect the truth any longer. In the media, they provide the news they think will sell. If society changed from seeking skepticism to seeking curiosity, then the media would respond to the new market demands.

By changing all journalism into investigative journalism, the world would be flipped on its head for the better. The progress of the human race would instantly be launched into a quantum leap of social evolution. 

Skepticism is a highly effective tool that is used to combat the curious. The curious are often trivialized and marginalized by calling them “conspiracy theorists.” When the tobacco industry was first questioned about the health risks of their products, they quickly reacted with skeptical self-published studies. The tobacco companies ran a public misinformation campaign of skepticism that trivialized anyone who was foolish enough to even suggest that tobacco had potential health hazards. 

The tobacco companies knew the power of skepticism, and they used it to their advantage for decades before they finally lost their stranglehold on the public consciousness. Even with all of the evidence, there are still people today who are swayed by the decades-old arguments, and they are skeptical of the fact that tobacco use poses health risks. 

By being aware of the tactics of those who use skepticism to combat the curious, we can then free ourselves to make up our own minds about what is and what isn’t true. We fear being thought of as gullible, so we follow the popular skeptics. What an irony it is that skepticism is used to avoid being caught as gullible, yet it is curiosity that actually protects us from being gullible. We swallow a skeptic’s story far easier than a “crazy” story of curiosity.

Key #51
Don’t step on FINGERS (they may be attached to a future helping hand)

Any dishonest or negative action that you take against another person will be noticed. In business, I’ve seen people who regularly bash the competition as a tactic for raising their own profiles. What these people don’t seem to understand is that being friendly to the competition will elevate you by showing that you are not afraid of your competitors. By complimenting your competition, you are actually strengthening your image, not weakening it. Transversely, of course, trying to strengthen your image by bashing others does nothing but weaken your position. 

If you live with integrity, then you will never choose to step on someone else’s toes to get ahead. Living with integrity means that, given the choice, you would rather put another in front of you than to shove him out of the way so that you can be out in front. If you are worthy of advancement, the advancement will naturally occur on its own as long as you take the positive actions required to move forward. There will never be any benefit in hiding the talent of others so that yours will shine the brightest. If there is another more talented than yourself, then it would be better to lift him up in any way you can than to push his head under the water. You actions will be recognized, and your integrity will not go unnoticed. Of course, you are choosing to do the right thing because it is correct and not just for the recognition of others. 

Living with integrity is doing the right thing because it’s right regardless of the results or recognition. By keeping yourself on the right track, you will keep yourself immersed in wonderful, positive energy. By choosing the wrong track, you will be dunking your head into a pool of putrid negative energy. Choosing the wrong way to go is choosing a path to certain self-assassination. You may be satisfied with the temporary results, but in the long run you will always lose. 

Key #52
Gratitude: the onlypath to true success

Gratitude is a key that provides a deeper and more meaningful understanding for many of the other keys. Happiness can not be attained without gratitude, and if we aren’t happy then what is the point? Without gratitude, you will always be thirsty for more and never be able to enjoy what you already have. 

In some extreme situations, gratitude can seem difficult. For example, a very good friend of mine was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. Instead of feeling angry about getting leukemia at the age of fifty-six, he instead decided to feel grateful for not getting leukemia at the age of thirty. If he had been diagnosed at the age of thirty, he would have been grateful that it didn’t happen when he was twenty.

My friend is grateful for the life that he has enjoyed up to this point, not woeful that his life will be cut shorter than he expected. He’s happy for what he has, not sad about what he doesn’t have. 

“It’s not having what you want; it’s wanting what you’ve got.” 

Sheryl Crow 

I had open-heart surgery when I was twenty-nine years old. If you have ever had your chest cracked open, you’ll know that it’s not a lot of fun. I could have felt sorry for myself for having to deal with such a thing at such a young age. But, instead of lamenting my situation, I decided to be grateful. I had quite a lot to be grateful for:

• The fact that I survived long enough to get the surgery. 

• The rare type of operation I had allowed me to not be dependant on blood thinners the rest of my life. 

• The operation provided me with more energy than I was used to having.

• I was able to re-evaluate my career path. Prior to the surgery, I wanted to be a police officer. With that no longer an option, I chose a much more suitable path. 

• Being a Canadian, I didn’t have to pay a dime for the surgery! They even paid for my accommodations and flight to the only hospital in the country that could handle that type of surgery. 

There is always a lot to be grateful for if you have the perspective to see it. Being grateful is a very positive use of your energy, whereas feeling like a victim is a negative drain on your energy.

Do you remember the story of Fred the dream builder? It was Fred’s gratitude for what he had that allowed him to be a great man and provide a great life for his family. Fred never wished to live in a 10,000 square foot mansion, so he never felt as though he missed out on anything. Instead of being envious of others, he was grateful for what he had. The attitude of gratitude is the key to feeling good about your life and yourself. 

What would you suppose that Alvin Law, a man born without arms, is grateful for? I’d say that Alvin is pretty darn grateful for the fact that he has two good legs and ten good toes! Those legs and toes have allowed him to accomplish great things, and you can bet that he takes good care of them. Any energy that Alvin could have spent feeling sorry for himself for being different would have detracted from his love of life. Alvin’s gratitude for his abilities has allowed him to enjoy and savor his life. 

Let us use the ugly example of divorce to illustrate the power of gratitude. Divorce is usually a nasty and difficult process for everyone involved. Both spouses, the kids, in-laws, and even the friends of the couple can be affected by the divorce. It isn’t difficult to allow a negative time in your life such as divorce to be a significant drain on your energy and/or self esteem. 

Here are some useful tools to help deal with the regret that often accompanies divorce. Try to recognize that:

1. You have done your best to be the best spouse that you could.

2. You have done your best to seek help for yourself and the marriage.

3. The longer you stay with the wrong person, the further away you will be from right person. 

The next step is to find a place for gratitude. What is the upside of all this? Try to remember that the time spent with that person was not a waste of time. All of the negative experiences had something useful to teach.

1. Remember the good times and be grateful for them. 

2. Be grateful that you are strong enough to end the negative relationship now and not ten years from now. What’s worse than divorce is staying in a marriage that is destroying your happiness.

3. Be grateful that you woke up this morning with the ability to breathe and face the day. As long as you are still breathing, you have the ability to change your life.

4. Be grateful if you live in a country where you are allowed to be divorced.

5. Be grateful if you are a woman who doesn’t fear death as a punishment for leaving her husband. Be courageous if otherwise. 

6. If you are seventy years old, and you fear meeting another mate, be grateful that you aren’t one hundred years old and looking for another mate.

7. If you will lose all of your money in the divorce, be grateful that you know how to make more money. 

“What does not kill us makes us stronger.” 

Frederich Nietzsche

Choosing an attitude of gratitude is an important tool to help you to be a champion instead of a victim. We don’t choose to be victimized, but we do choose to act like victims.

Right now, you have the opportunity to be grateful for the fact that you have just exposed yourself to a wealth of positive concepts. Be grateful that you have the ability to read, since eleven percent of born and bred North Americans cannot read or write. 

Choosing to be grateful is choosing to be good to yourself. Anytime you choose gratitude over self-pity, you are choosing a positive, instead of a negative, thought stream.

Choosing to place positive energy in your life is choosing to construct your life. Choosing negative energy is choosing self-destruction.

Father, Professional Development Trainer, Author

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Scotia Place, Calgary’s new event centre, designed as a place for community where there is room for everyone

The City of Calgary and Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation (CSEC) are excited to reveal the design for Calgary’s new event centre – formally named Scotia Place.

The design is influenced by the ancestral and historical land of Indigenous Peoples and the culturally significant site that embodies our shared purpose – to gather. It brings together Indigenous cultural perspectives with Calgary’s and the region’s natural beauty, reflecting the four elements of nature – fire, ice, land and air.

A striking feature of the building is the central structure with a textured flame motif that emulates a home fire, which is further amplified when it is lit at night. The home fire, a place of warmth and energy that brings people together to share stories of the past and create stories for the future, rises from the white, glacial-like forms that define the lower parts of the building.

“When you consider that Calgary is already the envy of other cities with a new world-class convention centre in the heart of the Culture + Entertainment District, the addition of Scotia Place is another signal to investors that our city understands how to build a future that leverages hospitality and hosting as its core strengths,” says Mayor Jyoti Gondek. “We are also acknowledging and honouring the foundational role that Indigenous communities have played for generations in making Calgary, and now Scotia Place, a space where we all belong.”

Scotia Place, which is scheduled to open in fall 2027, celebrates the area’s importance as a place for all and will be a landmark attraction in Calgary’s emerging Culture + Entertainment District. More than a building, however, the 10-acre city block is designed for community and connection and includes a community rink, outdoor and indoor plazas spaces, four restaurants, the Calgary Flames Team Store, and future development opportunity in the northeast corner. It will provide gathering places and amenities for the 8,000 people who will live in this new downtown neighbourhood.

“Calgary has a long history of hosting world-class events, drawing millions of visitors to the city each year, generating revenue for local businesses, and boosting the economy,” says Danielle Smith, Premier of the Province of Alberta. “With construction on the Calgary Rivers District and Event Centre now underway, Calgary is one step closer to a revitalized downtown that will bring new energy into the city, attract more exciting events, and create jobs to improve the quality of life for Calgarians.”

A development permit application for the facility was submitted on July 19, 2024. This was a significant milestone for the project team, consisting of CAA ICON, HOK-DIALOG, and CANA/Mortenson. People interested in following or commenting on the permit can find the application at The application is expected to be heard by the Calgary Planning Commission by end of 2024.

“This is an important day for Calgary,” says Councillor Sonya Sharp, Event Centre Committee Chair. “Today is about so much more than the designs of a building. Today is the unveiling of a place where Calgarians and visitors from around the world will make memories at concerts, and sport and community events. I hope that everyone is as excited as we are, knowing that Scotia Place will become the complete experience in our new Culture & Entertainment District.”

“At CSEC, a key component of our mission is to be the heartbeat of our community, create connections and bring people together,” said Robert Hayes, CSEC President and CEO. “Scotia Place will become the perfect home to achieve and share this mission with all Calgarians. Seeing the design brings the vision of so many contributors to life. We are especially thankful to the City of Calgary and the Province of Alberta for their leadership and support to help bring us to this point. In stride with our partner Scotiabank, we are very proud to play our role in presenting Scotia Place as the culmination of diligence and passion, that is now visual in this breathtakingly beautiful and meaningful facility.”

“For years we have seen firsthand the value these partnerships bring to the communities in which we operate and for our clients,” said Aris Bogdaneris, Group Head, Canadian Banking of Scotiabank. “Scotia Place introduces a bold new vision for what will be Alberta’s premier sports and entertainment venue. For nearly 20 years, Scotiabank has been a proud partner of Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation and together, we are committed to bring fans and our clients an unforgettable experience when they walk through the doors of Scotia Place.”

“We are excited to start the construction of the critical infrastructure needed to build thousands of new homes and to make the Calgary’s new Culture + Entertainment district a reality,” says Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors. “Albertans expect basic infrastructure to be maintained and improved and this commitment from the province goes a long way in helping Calgary build these projects.”

Acknowledging the significance of the building’s location at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers on the ancestral land of the Treaty 7 Peoples and the Metis Nation, The City, CSEC, HOK-DIALOG and CAA ICON worked with an Indigenous Advisory Group that included representatives from the Treaty 7 Nations, the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, and the Urban Indigenous community throughout the design process.

“It was great to be part of a truly representative voice that included all indigenous peoples of southern Alberta regarding the design of this center acknowledging the historic significance of the land it sits on to the Metis people,” said Carmen Lasante Captain of the Calgary Elbow Metis District. “Inclusivity is a core part of who the Metis are. The City has worked hard to include many diverse histories together in creating this space.”

“Engaging in the right way is fundamental to the success of relationship development with the Indigenous communities, as we have played a critical role in the identity of the land now known as the city of Calgary as the Indigenous nations are inextricable linked to the landscape and environment,” says Ira Provost, Piikani Nation Consultation

A key theme heard often during the Indigenous engagement sessions was “Come in, there is room”, making it clear that Scotia Place needs to be a place that is designed for all.

The public plazas are designed to honour the deep-rooted connection that Indigenous Peoples have with the land, incorporating representations of the tipi, Métis Trapper’s Tent, and elements of Alberta’s world-renown natural landscape.

An important design decision was to lower the event and ice surface so that the primary concourse will be at street-level. Calgarians and visitors will be able to move seamlessly between the curb, the primary concourse and the outdoor public plazas.

“We at DIALOG are thrilled to join forces with HOK and combine our unique expertise to transform Calgary’s Event Centre into the catalyst for a dynamic new urban community,” says Doug Cinnamon, Partner Architect at DIALOG.

“Other design principles including public realm activation, the integration of indigenous influences, public art & storytelling, sustainability, and a balance between past, present, and future is central to our vision. The ultimate goal is to ensure seamless accessibility, promote mixed uses, and create vibrant public areas for everyone to enjoy. This joint redesign represents an opportunity to spur investment into the area and enhance its cultural vitality, anchoring Calgary’s position as a thriving, bustling community hub.”

Scotia Place is a generational investment in Calgary’s emerging vibrant Culture + Entertainment District. A modern event centre with universal accessible design throughout and with energy and water conservation built in to maximize efficiencies and the ability to be net-zero by 2050, Scotia place is designed to serve Calgary’s growing community for decades to come.

Construction begins this week. Additional information about Scotia Place including design renderings, a video, and frequently asked questions is available on

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Malign Neglect: What Calgary’s Water-Main Break Reveals about the Failure of City Government

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From the C2C Journal

By George Koch

The rupture of Calgary’s biggest water main revealed more than the problems of aging infrastructure. It showed a civic bureaucracy unable to provide basic services or fix things when they break, and a mayor eager to blame others and scold citizens for their selfishness in wanting city services in return for their tax dollars. Above all, it laid bare the increasing tendency of governments to neglect their core responsibilities in favour of social policy fetishes, and to sidestep accountability when things go wrong. Clear, competent, mission-focused public servants are a vanishing breed, writes George Koch, and governing a city is now mainly about keeping city workers, senior officials and elected politicians happy.

As the enormous task forces of the U.S. Navy steamed westward across the Pacific Ocean in the final year of the Second World War, aiming ultimately for Japan but with some of the most vicious fighting still to come on islands like Okinawa and Iwo Jima, commanding admirals issued orders that any man who fell overboard would be left behind. No ship was to slow down for search-and-rescue; nothing was to get in the way of the mission. Several weeks ago, during one of the Stanley Cup semi-final games, a player was hit hard, fell to the ice, got up with difficulty, hobbled towards the bench and disappeared down the “tunnel”. The game went on, uninterrupted. Here too, the mission – entertaining millions – took precedence.

But when two municipal workers on a crew attempting to repair a catastrophic infrastructure failure in a major North American city are injured, the work immediately halts. Although the broken item serves a function vital to civilization and life itself, the mission of restoring water supply as quickly as possible becomes secondary. This happened 10 days ago, a week after the rupture of a high-pressure water main in Calgary had sent water shooting up out of busy 16th Avenue, triggering frantic 911 calls and initiating a “one week” repair saga that as of this writing is still weeks from completion.

Mission failure: The rupture of Calgary’s high-pressure water main on June 5 flooded 16th Avenue and threatened the city’s water supply; repairs were halted for a day after two workers were injured, an excess of caution that led to anger and frustration over the city’s basic competence. (Sources of photos: (top) Acton Clarkin/CBC; (bottom) CTV News)

The two injured workers were taken to hospital (thankfully, with non-life-threatening injuries) and the repair work eventually resumed the next day. But the interruption, piled atop days of confusing, contradictory, self-serving and at times seemingly false explanations and promises from senior city officials and embattled mayor Jyoti Gondek, generated further mistrust and anger among Calgarians over their city bureaucracy’s inability to operate the basics and get things fixed when something breaks down. The safety stand-down came on the very day the city had originally promised to restore water service, a time when every hour was precious, when the sacrifices by city residents and businesses were still bearable, when a return to normality seemed imminent. So why imperil the mission with nearly 24 hours of navel-gazing?

Though soon forgotten as new problems arose, the decision is emblematic of governments’ misplaced priorities, subordination of their core mission to their social policy fetishes and confusion over whose interests they exist to serve. Governing a city appears to have become primarily about keeping city workers, senior officials and elected politicians happy. Above all, to shield them against real accountability. Residents and businesses – the people who vote and pay the bills – are basically problems to be managed.

Built in 1975, the Bearspaw South feeder main draws from the Bearspaw Water Treatment Facility on the Bow River (bottom) and supplies 60 percent of Calgary’s drinking water. (Sources of photos: (top) The City of Calgary Newsroom; (bottom) Environmental Science & Engineering)

A few key facts for readers distant from Calgary. The 2-metre-diameter Bearspaw South feeder main burst its concrete casing on the afternoon of June 5. Installed in 1975, it draws from the Bearspaw Water Treatment Facility on the Bow River in the city’s northwest, and normally supplies up to 60 percent of the city’s drinking water. The break required the city to rely on a much older but very reliable plant drawing on the Glenmore Reservoir, which dams the Elbow River in the city’s southwest. The rupture prompted Stage 4 water restrictions with various bans and recommendations (more on that below), including a call for Calgarians to collectively cut the city’s water consumption by 25 percent, to 480 million litres per day. People immediately responded and, within several days, the city was reporting a water surplus. (For those seeking more details, the Calgary Herald has logged the key daily events.)

From the beginning, the city’s attempts to explain things did not quite add up. The water main had been inspected and tested regularly, officials said, or at least once for sure, and had received “maintenance” as recently as April. Most people probably assumed this involved physically examining it from the inside, then subjecting it to excessive pressure to see if it would hold, and patching up any weak areas. But all that would require first draining a pipe that, after all, 1.6 million people depend on every minute of every day. Later it came out that the line had last been drained and inspected in 2007.

So then it was explained that sophisticated external sensors had not detected any leaks in the most recent inspection. But then someone pointed out that catastrophic failures of an entire multi-layered structure of inner concrete core, steel piping, wire tension coils and outer concrete don’t usually begin with small leaks. And then someone else let slip that the line’s robustness had been confirmed by modelling, i.e., relying on theory.

“This pipe is only at the halfway point in its life cycle,” lamented Sue Henry, Chief of the Calgary Emergency Management Agency. “By all accounts, this should not have happened, but it did.” But others pointed out that the 100-year-lifespan claim was itself bogus. Lines of this type, said Tricia Stadnyk, Canada Research Chair in hydrologic modelling with the University of Calgary’s Schulich School of Engineering, are rated to last 50 years. And the Bearspaw South line was built…49 years ago. (The lifespan issue gets even worse – more on that below.)

A story full of holes: City officials said the water main had been inspected and tested regularly, and that no leaks had been found; experts pointed out a catastrophic breakage of the line’s multi-layered structure would not likely begin with small leaks – and it emerged the line had not actually been drained and inspected since 2007. (Sources: (left photo) The City of Calgary Newsroom; (right image) The City of Calgary Newsroom)

Gondek, for her part, extended her track record of blaming anyone but herself by claiming the disaster could have been averted if only Alberta’s UCP government had “paid enough attention” and not denied Calgary the money it desperately needed for preventative maintenance and repair. The implications of her claim didn’t quite gibe with city officials’ assurances that the line was considered just fine. And Alberta Premier Danielle Smith shot back that Gondek “has never asked us for funding to repair their water supply infrastructure,” and that the province is providing the city with $224 million to allocate as it pleases. Others noted it was never a question of money at all, because Calgary has generated successive annual budget surpluses but either spends those funds on more congenial pursuits or carries them over into future years.

Still, for a few days it seemed as if water service would be restored within, or very soon after, the promised one week. But on June 15 it was announced that line inspections (which apparently had occurred in the physical world and not merely in city officials’ media narrative) had found five more “hot spots” – i.e., potentially calamitous weaknesses. The repair timeframe was abruptly extended to three to five weeks, well into July. And with that, the City of Calgary declared a State of Local Emergency.

Pointing fingers: Calgary mayor Jyoti Gondek blamed Alberta’s UCP government for denying Calgary the money for maintenance and repairs; however, Calgary had never asked for such funding, and in any case received $224 million this year to allocate as it pleased. (Source of screenshot: The City of Calgary Newsroom)

There is an emergency in Calgary – and virtually every city across North America and the Western world. At least two types of emergency, actually. The first type is the open, at times almost gleeful refusal to focus on the basic responsibilities of municipal government. Such as paving roads – Calgary’s are notoriously cracked and potholed – instead of removing lanes from busy thoroughfares and lowering speed limits in order to create still more unused bike lanes. Or ensuring that public transit facilities are clean and safe for law-abiding users, as opposed to all-but abandoning buses and C-Trains to drug addicts, while still pushing for funding of the next multi-billion-dollar transit line.

Many Calgarians have grown exasperated at such neglect and indifference, and quite a few are paying close attention. One letter-writer to the Calgary Herald pointed out that aging water infrastructure is a well-known problem in civic government circles, noting that the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association in 2014 set the goal of getting “unaccounted for” water down to 10 percent of total treatment plant outflow. While that figure seems unsettling enough, five years later a third-party engineering report estimated that Calgary was losing 17-28 percent of all its treated water. While some of that was for fighting fires and some was theft, the majority was believed to be leakage. That makes it sound like very few of those “100-year-rated” lines had ever been inspected, tested and confirmed sound.

Core failures: As in many Western cities, Calgary’s leadership refuses to focus on the basic responsibilities of municipal government, like fixing potholes, clearing snow or ensuring public transit is safe and effective; it prefers building bike lanes people don’t use and planning the next multi-billion-dollar transit line. (Sources of photos (clockwise starting top left): Dave Gilson/CBCRachel Maclean/CBCPostmediaMatt Scace/Postmedia NetworkNick Blakeney/CityNewsRebecca Kelly/CBC)

The staggering water volume implied by that percentage range – and worse, the toleration of the problem for at least a decade – evokes a deeply disturbing decrepitude analogous to the massive leakage from oil pipelines in the dying years of the Soviet Union or the chronic tapping of oil pipelines by thieves in Nigeria. Neither is a place Calgary should emulate. The 17-28 percent range is also, coincidentally, similar to the amount of water Calgarians are now expected to conserve. If Calgary’s pipes didn’t leak, we’d hardly have to conserve water at all even with the city’s biggest water main down. “It’s time,” declared attentive letter-writer Guy Buchanan, “to rethink projects such as the Green Line LRT project and concentrate the $4-billion of reserves that council is hoarding to fortify life-sustaining infrastructure.”

This fiasco is, unfortunately, just one example of an operating mentality averse to focusing on dreary real-world problems. The City of Calgary also hates clearing roads in winter and, every year, whenever it snows hard, the warming Chinook winds fail to arrive on schedule and streets remain snowbound, chaos erupts and the excuse – every single time – is that the city lacks the money and equipment needed to plough its roads and, in any case, does not have a “bare pavement policy.” These words come out of the city spokesperson’s mouth right about the time that private-sector operators wrap up clearing streets and sidewalks at private condo developments and old folks’ homes, have restored Walmart and Safeway parking lots to pristine expanses of black pavement, and can all head to Timmy’s for a well-deserved round of late-morning dark roasts and crullers.

The second type of emergency is what has been termed the “crisis of competence” that is afflicting not only governments but utilities and complex systems in general. Put simply, two generations of experienced technical specialists, managers and tradesmen have been gradually retiring, quitting in disgust or getting purged from organizations that now prioritize adherence to internal process and conformity to progressive ideology over the nuts and bolts of keeping systems running, heeding numbers that don’t lie and respecting unforgiving physical reality. The incoming cohorts, meanwhile, often don’t know what they’re doing and don’t want to learn, hiding their ignorance behind a veil of virtue-signalling arrogance.

Crisis of competence: Experienced technical specialists, managers and tradesman have been leaving or getting purged from organizations that prioritize conformity to progressive causes like ESG and wokism over the nuts and bolts of keeping systems running. At bottom, engineer James Buker, a retired city waterworks employee. (Source of bottom photo: Darren Makowichuk/Postmedia)

The National Post’s Jamie Sarkonak had a good column on this over the past week. “Today’s students can’t read as well as their predecessors; workers are increasingly hired on non-meritocratic basesmedical errors and aviation ‘safety issues’ are on the rise,” Sarkonak wrote. “Meanwhile, decision-makers are often so risk-averse they struggle to decide anything. At small scales, everything still works. But at large scales, the effects can be disastrous.” His piece also references a more detailed description of the phenomenon in the Palladium online journal.

As luck would have it, Calgary’s water main debacle produced an archetype of that vanishing breed. James Buker was an engineer in what used to be called the Waterworks division from 1975 to 2016, serving as head of water transmission and distribution for much of the period. Following the Bearspaw rupture, Buker told journalists that such an event became foreseeable after a similarly catastrophic though less damaging water main rupture in 2004. Excavation revealed that pipe had deteriorated to “talcum powder”, as Buker described it, in barely 20 years. This in turn led to the conclusion that the precast concrete used in an entire generation of city water infrastructure installed between 1950 and 1990 was insufficiently resistant to corrosion from soil. Buker was present for the installation of the Bearspaw South line in 1975. The problem, in other words, was well-understood. By some, at least.

But the inversion of priorities that sees the city authorize spending on ugly cactus-like plants for roundabout verges or cartoon-like bas-reliefs of leaping trout in dank freeway underpasses, and the extirpation of men with a mindset like Buker (or another retired city engineer who revealed that 2007 inspection date mentioned above), are not the kinds of emergency Gondek or other public officials have in mind when they declare one. Their kind of emergency mostly involves increasing their powers to boss the rest of us around. In their minds, the critical task is getting the citizenry good and compliant, in this case focusing us entirely on water conservation, so that we don’t ask too many questions about how the work is going and we blame ourselves when “we” fall short.

Hectoring and lecturing: When the state of emergency was declared, local media focussed increasingly citizens’ compliance with water restrictions; the mayor lectured Calgarians on the need to “dig in and do a little bit more”. Shown at bottom, people filling their water jugs at the city’s emergency supply trailer. (Sources of photos: (top) Helen Pike/CBC; (bottom) The Canadian Press/Jeff Mcintosh)

This is more than a rhetorical flourish. Following the state of emergency declaration, local media coverage shifted emphasis from the situation’s technical aspects to water conservation and more water conservation. Multiple articles were devoted, for example, to showcasing how residents in bedroom communities like Airdrie, which draw their drinking water from the city, were “rallying” to cut their water use.

Gondek has been lecturing Calgarians as if we are schoolchildren or simpletons, noting “how well you’re doing” and “when you need to dig in and do a little bit more.” She urged businesses to ask employees to work from home because this, after all, “would save them the time of having a shower in the morning and no one has to worry what they look or smell like, for that matter.” The mayor, though, always turned up looking good, and there were no reports she didn’t smell good.

Going by the city’s rhetoric, the crisis was largely about our failures. As if a construction company owner worrying he’ll have to shut down the jobsite and lay off his workers because the “Stage 4” water restrictions have forbidden welding, applying hot tar or even using glue due to the purported fire hazard is being narrow-minded. As if the costly disruption to thousands of businesses employing tens of thousands of people can just be shrugged off. As if a retired business owner who laboured for 40 years to afford a decent house in a good neighbourhood and now wants to enjoy gardening – and who, after all, pays many thousands in property taxes and water fees every year – is being selfish in worrying that her plants will die. As if receiving water from the City of Calgary is a gift, a privilege the city has every right to withdraw.

Water, water everywhere: The clampdown was based on a fear the city would not have enough water to fight a single major fire, this in a city posting daily water surpluses of 100 million litres, with two rivers (including the Bow River shown at top), two large reservoirs (including the Glenmore Reservoir shown at bottom) and multiple small water bodies to draw from.

Governments today appear to have only two basic states: immovable indolence and unchecked panic. When the first state trips over to the second, a machinery of absurd over-reaction kicks in, including costly campaigns to eradicate phantom risks. The clamp-down on industrial fire hazards was so severe that a reported 800 Calgary construction jobs were at risk of shutdown. The city feared it would not have enough water to fight even one major fire. This despite posting daily water surpluses as high as 100 million litres and having available two rivers, two large reservoirs and dozens of smaller water bodies to draw upon with pumps. The blanket ban on outdoor fires wasn’t lifted even when it rained four days in a row.

The postmodern world’s inability to rationally assess risks and balance possible risk-reduction measures against foreseeable costs and benefits includes a blindness to the principle that too much caution itself creates danger. Every additional precious hour lost during the water main repair process – such as through that nearly day-long safety stand-down – placed additional weight on the 92-year-old Glenmore facility. It was considered an engineering marvel of its era and its feeder main has proved better-built than anything installed in the last 50 years. But if it failed too, Calgary would be without safe drinking water. People might actually die.

Of course it is great – stirring, in fact – how Calgarians rallied almost as one and did what needed to be done under inconvenient circumstances. Limiting water consumption has been a topic in every conversation; people really do care. The same civic-mindedness was shown during a brutal cold snap last winter, when southern Alberta’s electrical grid became overloaded and the system operator was on the verge of ordering rolling blackouts. People responded within minutes to an urgent request to shut off unneeded lights and electrical devices, and the problem passed. But if a whole city’s population can instantly do the right thing on more than one occasion, why can’t that city’s government also do the right things, like paving roads and inspecting aging water mains?

They don’t make ‘em like they used to: The water main break forced the city to rely on the 92-year-old Glenmore Water Treatment Plant (right), built on the north side of the Glenmore Reservoir (left), an engineering marvel of its era.

In the same spirit, I’m certain there still must be dozens, hundreds, even thousands of earnest and well-meaning city managers, tradespeople and technical specialists who know what they’re doing and would love to focus on just getting the job done, if the internal culture would only let them. The repairs are getting done – even if it’s with the help of a small army of private-sector “partners” – so the entire city payroll can’t be incompetent.

But if the Bearspaw South rupture had been felt and not merely declared to be an emergency, then the repair work wouldn’t stop for two injured workers. As Star Trek’s Mr. Spock liked to intone, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” All good progressives used to nod in rhythm to that line; but either the present-day City of Calgary is from a different other planet, or the “many” whose needs must be met aren’t actually the city’s residents.

It’s worth noting that the same progressives who now worry about two injured workers more than 1.6 million city residents were happy to destroy anything and anyone who got in their way during Covid-19. Those questioning the narrative were cast aside like used Kleenex or crushed like cockroaches. The (futile) mission of “stopping the spread” took precedence over everything: the economy, the individual, religion, social relations, common sense, basic rationality.

“Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” said Star Trek’s Mr. Spock (left); the same progressives who used to nod in agreement to that line seemed more worried about two injured workers than the mission to repair infrastructure critical to 1.6 million Calgarians. Shown at right, a Japanese kamikaze pilot in a damaged single-engine bomber over the U.S. Aircraft Carrier USS Essex, off the Philippine Islands, November 1944. (Source of right photo: Rare Historical Photos)

But when it comes to civic infrastructure, the mission doesn’t top the priorities list. Unless the real mission is something other than what is stated. If the mission is to avoid accountability, to go back to the way things have been for the past 30 or so years, and to save the faltering political career of a deeply unpopular mayor, then it all makes a kind of sense. Bringing in specialists from the private sector (from the oil and natural gas industry, no less) to help get them out of the mess, as they quietly announced about 10 days into their week-long repair job – “our best and brightest”, as Gondek put it without any apparent self-awareness – should be seen as confirmation of their desperation, not as a hopeful sign they’re about to change their ways.

George Koch is Editor-in-Chief of C2C Journal.

Source of main image: @cityofcalgary/X.

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