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Energy wise, how do you even describe 2024?


16 minute read

From the Frontier Centre for Public Policy

By Terry Etam

There still remains a full court press in North America/western Europe among certain socioeconomic classes to “just stop oil” and the like. While we as an industry in many ways remain in our foxholes, and the opponents of hydrocarbons roam freely, looking to criminalize if at all possible any positive dialogue about the value of hydrocarbons.

Huh. Look at that. It’s been ten years since I started writing about energy. Not that that particular trivia interests anyone, why would it, however it is interesting to look back at the impetus for writing and how that has changed.

Ten years ago, as I worked in a communications department for an energy infrastructure business that did not like publicity of any kind whatsoever, it began to dawn on me how dangerous were the habits that formed thereof, and how far reaching the consequences. As but one example, anti-pipeline activists were all over Washington DC like ants on a mound, pressuring the government to kill the Keystone XL pipeline. They swarmed social media and a motivated army spread the gospel like wildfire, truth be damned.

The pipeline industry looked at the energy ignoramuses and kind of just sniggered, for they knew they were right – pipelines were and are the safest and most reliable form of liquid/gas transportation, forming a global industrial backbone we can’t even imagine living without – and there seemed a largely prevailing attitude in industry that these pipeline facts were so glaringly obvious that everyone would figure it out. I still hear the chortling: “Look at those lunatics, protesting pipelines without knowing they’re standing on one that’s been there for 40 years.”

Yeah, well, the lunatics did pretty well didn’t they… Keystone XL is a distant memory, the US Mountain Valley Pipeline is years late and twice over budget, and even TMX is only now limping into service at what, about 700 times over budget and equally late… I shudder to think what kind of back room deals were cut with extremists who promised TMX would never be built and yet now stand silent. If we had a conservative prime minister at the helm now trying to complete TMX, I would bet my ears that the going wouldn’t be as protest-lite as it is now.

Ten years ago, the impetus was to fill a void in public energy knowledge because there wasn’t much of an effective voice that was doing so. If there was, there was scant evidence of any success. So that was kind of fun, going for the low hanging fruit of explaining energy nuances to a public that cared about nothing except utility bills and what it cost to fill up the family beast.

But that excitement faded as the energy industry’s inability to articulate its value was overwhelmed by the likes of Greta Thunberg, a Swedish teen that was hoisted onto the shoulders of cagey mobs, and thrust into the public consciousness as some sort of Jesus-like figure. At that point, the battlefield was completely overrun, and the oil/gas industry seemed to head underground and wait for the storm to pass. What a mistake.

There still remains a full court press in North America/western Europe among certain socioeconomic classes to “just stop oil” and the like. While we as an industry in many ways remain in our foxholes, and the opponents of hydrocarbons roam freely, looking to criminalize if at all possible any positive dialogue about the value of hydrocarbons. But. The anti-fossil fuel people are so busy working on Orwellian regulations/policies/roadmaps that they haven’t looked over their shoulders at the storm clouds brewing, the ones that hydrocarbon producers always knew would arrive.

As seven out of eight billion people on earth strive to live like the west does, the inevitable is happening: global demand for energy, in all forms, is soaring, and absolutely no one wants to take a step backwards in terms of standard of living. The world wants to add a billion air conditioners, because those things are life-transforming (see: any modern glass-cube high rise residential/commercial building, modern hospitals/seniors centers, etc), and the comfy west wants to add an estimated $250 billion per year in data centers because we can and it looks fun.

We haven’t even begun to figure out how to rewire the world for an energy transition even if we used energy consumption from 20 years ago as the starting point; today, we can’t keep up using all our resources. Every year, we set new records for solar installations, wind installations, coal consumption, oil consumption… and new natural gas infrastructure is being built around the world backed by multi-decade contracts. The fight over nuclear continues in the oddly ridiculous way it now goes, with countries within the same jurisdiction (EU, for example) shutting down nuclear facilities (Germany) on safety or environmental (?) grounds while countries right beside them add new ones. In the US, the same craziness is happening within the country; places like New York shuttering nuclear facilities while other parts of the country develop new ones.

What makes energy commentary challenging these days is that we’ve become desensitized to such insanity, we are pickled in it, and treat it as just the regular public discourse. I mean really. Look at Germany’s self inflicted damage in shutting down its nuclear plants on the grounds of safety. How much safer are Germans if Belgium builds new ones next door?

We’ve become used to the blaring theme “electrify everything” when we can clearly see, if we choose to look, that electrifying anything at all is becoming more challenging, with grid operators all over the place issuing warnings about potential energy shortages/rolling blackouts or brownouts/falling grid reliability.

AI is coming. Like a freight train. No one is prepared for it. Anyone paying attention is sounding the alarm bells: Power consumption is going to go through the roof. And that is in addition to a world that continues to set new energy usage records relentlessly, a trend that seems unstoppable and huge even before AI.

The storm clouds are there, they are growing, and no one wants to look up.

And then we need to set this insanity against a truly mind-boggling global geopolitical framework that looks like something out of Monty Python.

China is an amazing object, like a parallax, that looks completely different depending on your vantage point. By that I mean: energy transition advocates, the ones that ‘just know’ that net-zero 2050 is inevitable and simply requires more ‘policy’, point to China as a green hero, installing more solar than any other country, at breakneck pace. At the same time, the opposite camp that ‘just knows’ that net-zero 2050 has no chance due to the sheer challenge point out that China is constructing new coal-fired power plants at a rate of two per week.

Both are right. So are the people that rejoice at how solar panels have become so much cheaper due to China’s manufacturing prowess, as are the people that point out the staggering environmental footprint of building all that stuff behind a somewhat opaque curtain.

The people that herald the rise of China’s EV adoption are right, but so are the people that fear China’s control of most of the critical mineral/metal supply/processing chain.

India is a rising behemoth. The EU still thinks it runs the world. The US’ leadership is a gym full of blindfolded shouting people running at full speed. Canada thinks it is the world’s conscience, to the extent it is still thinking at all, building foreign and local policy on the notion that Canadians are the global good guys, a selfless hero running around the globe’s stages eagerly saying politically correct things while back home the wheels are coming off. Watch us impale our economy on a stick just to show the world that no one can possibly be morally superior. Russia is a vodka-soaked-yet-clever power monger with some thousand-year-old chip on its shoulder and enough bullets to fill a million Ladas. The Middle East remains the Middle East, reliably distributing both petroleum products and anger to every corner of the world…

The world’s biggest economies are so far in debt that they don’t know what to do, and we must painfully watch central bankers craft new policies and plans under the faulty pretense that they do know what they’re doing. The US is adding a trillion dollars worth of debt every hundred days, and the gurus of monetary policy are watching the economy with the wisdom and effectiveness of a time-forgotten goat-herder buying a cell phone before he’s found out what electricity is.

The future is never certain. Obviously. There will be black swans, rare events that have major global seismic repercussions. Terrorists are pretty good at destabilizing the world with a flick of the wrist, doing more damage than a tsunami, but then there are tsunamis as well. And all sorts of human hijinks that can throw a spanner in the works quite easily because we are all one step away from snapping.

There will be new wars, apparently, the peace dividend nothing but a dead deer on the side of the road. Political polarization is so severe that at any given time some substantial percent of the population believes that if their political enemy gets elected that ‘the future of the nation is at stake’. In the US two very ancient people are leading these charges, and every single American I talk to says, in a burst of frustration, “How the hell did we get here, and why are those two the only choices?”

And all of us that pay attention to energy ask the very same questions about the energy world. We watch economic powerhouses like Germany and California screw themselves into the ground with remarkable efficiency. We can see these problems arising. We listen to grid operators that warn of coming instability instead of shouting them down or tossing them out and replacing them with people that toe the line.

The energy industry is, despite all the madness, making actual strides in reducing emissions, developing new types of energy, developing carbon sequestration options, working on hydrogen programs, integrating with all sorts of green technology. It’s tough slogging, because most attempts are met with chants of “greenwash, greenwash” by people that don’t want progress, they want fossil fuels dead and gone. As their vision of a solution, they throw soup on famous paintings. The world stands in awe, like watching a naked drunk lurch across a freeway, oblivious to his surroundings.

One good thing about the world of energy though, compared to the utter lunacy of the global political/geopolitical/sociological mess, is that we can see fairly clearly where energy is going. The crazed experiments, the building of castles to the sky, will slow to a pace that makes sense and is digestible. Global demand for oil, natural gas, and it looks like even coal will stay strong for several decades at least. Nuclear power will have a renaissance, and new technologies or battery breakthroughs will enter the scene at a rate that the world can handle. It won’t be pretty or linear or without strife, but that’s how it will be. People won’t live without cheap reliable energy.

So if you’re in the energy business, take heart – in the world of political theatre, reality is whatever you can get away with convincing the world that it is. In the world of energy, fuel is fuel, availability is availability, and we can at least count on the fact that despite all the handwringing and grandiose policy that reality can’t be evaded. It might be small comfort but at least it’s real.

Terry Etam is a columnist with the BOE Report, a leading energy industry newsletter based in Calgary.  He is the author of The End of Fossil Fuel Insanity.  You can watch his Policy on the Frontier session from May 5, 2022 here.

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Buckle Up for Summer Blackouts: Wind Is Already Failing Texas in Spring

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From Heartland Daily News

By Jason Isaac

When the wind blows too much, natural gas plants are forced to shut down because they can’t underbid wind producers that can bid zero or negative. But when the wind doesn’t blow when it is needed, wind generators can afford the loss of revenue because they earn so much from tax subsidies.

It’s been all quiet on the electric grid front for a few months — but don’t get your hopes up. Over the last month, electricity prices came near the $5000/MWh regulatory cap three separate times because the wind wasn’t blowing enough when the sun went down.

If this sounds familiar, you’re not wrong.

You may hear from the drive-by media that the problem is unseasonably warm temperatures, or that there are a lot of power plants down for maintenance. But high 80s in April and low 90s in May are not unusual, and the Texas grid used to manage these weather changes with no problems. From 2014 to 2016, real-time prices only went over $1000/MWh twice, but it’s happened three times already this year.

If the grid is already on shaky ground, with many weeks to go before blistering triple-digit temperatures shoot electric demand through the roof, all signs are pointing to an unpleasant summer. 

The problem with the Texas grid is so simple it’s infuriating: Relying too heavily on unpredictable wind and solar, without enough reliable reserve capacity, means higher volatility — leading to higher prices and increasing need for expensive interventions by ERCOT to avoid outages. This is why your electric bill is going up and up even though wind and solar are supposed to be cheap.

While Texas certainly has a lot of sun, peak solar output almost never aligns with peak electric usage. The Lone Star State also has plenty of wind, but wind generation is wildly unpredictable —  by nature. It’s not unusual for a wind generator’s output to swing 60 percentage points or more in a single week.

Take last month, for example. On Tuesday, April 16, electricity prices reached their cap because ERCOT’s day-ahead wind forecast was off by 50%. Five gigawatts of wind we were counting on to power Texas as the sun went down didn’t show up. That was the equivalent of simultaneously shutting down 10 large natural gas units, or all of the state’s nuclear capacity. If the latter occurred, the news media would be up in arms (and rightfully so). But because the culprit was the political darling of both the left and the right, no one heard about it.

ERCOT hasn’t been the best at predicting wind output, and the problem isn’t entirely its fault. Wind veers so wildly between extremes it’s nearly impossible to plan a sustainable grid around its fickleness — yet wind makes up 26% of our generating capacity.

It’s all because lucrative tax breaks and subsidies at the state and federal level, combined with flaws in ERCOT’s market design, make it almost impossible for wind to lose money — and harder than ever for natural gas to compete, even though it’s far more reliable and affordable. When the wind blows too much, natural gas plants are forced to shut down because they can’t underbid wind producers that can bid zero or negative. But when the wind doesn’t blow when it is needed, wind generators can afford the loss of revenue because they earn so much from tax subsidies.

Imagine trying to open a restaurant when your competitor next door is paying its customers to eat there. It’s no wonder natural gas capacity in ERCOT has barely grown over the past decade, and not enough to make up for losses of coal plants, while demand has been steadily increasing.

All those subsidies are hurting our most reliable, affordable energy producers and putting our economy at risk — leaving you and me, the taxpayers on the hook.

While most political issues are far more complex and nuanced than brazen attack ads and headlines would lead you to believe, in this case, it really does boil down to one simple problem.

And it would be easy to solve — if lawmakers are willing to go against the grain of political correctness and set a clear reliability standard for the wind and solar generators that want to connect to our grid.

Unfortunately, that’s a gargantuan “if.”

As a former lawmaker, I understand the pressures our legislators are under to toe the line on alternative energy. Major utilities embracing World Economic Forum- and United Nations-aligned “energy transition” policies that seek to redefine what’s “clean” and what’s “pollution” are making matters worse. And the incessant misinformation from their well-funded lobby that promise rural “economic development” and “cheap energy” sound too good to be true, because they are.

Elected officials don’t serve the lobby. They serve Texans — or, at least, they should.

And Texans want a reliable, affordable grid. They want to not have to worry about losing power in the heat of the summer or the dead of winter. The Legislature must put a stop to these market-distorting subsidies and make reliability, not popularity, the priority for our electric grid.

Gov. Greg Abbott sent a letter on July 6, 2021 to members of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) directing them to “take immediate action to improve electric reliability across the state.” The second directive was to “Allocate reliability costs to generation resources that cannot guarantee their own availability, such as wind or solar power.” Unfortunately, the PUC hasn’t acted on this directive or even studied it. The costs of scarcity on the grid are estimated to have exceeded $12B in 2023, which is equal to two-thirds of the property tax relief passed in the 88th Legislature, all paid for by ratepayers.

“Unfortunately for Texans, the ERCOT grid is moving from a single grid with gas and coal power plants running efficiently all day to two grids: one for wind and solar and one for expensive backup power that fills in the gaps when there is not enough wind and sun,” says Dr. Brent Bennett, policy director for Life:Powered at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. “Every time these scarcity events occur, whether due to real scarcity or artificial scarcity created by ERCOT’s operating policies, ratepayers are shelling out tens to hundreds of millions of dollars for backup power. It is the most expensive way to operate a grid, and Texans will feel the bite as these costs are absorbed over time.”

The Californication of our grid is unfolding before our eyes. If the Legislature and the PUC don’t act fast, the Texas miracle won’t last.

The Honorable Jason Isaac is CEO of the American Energy Institute and a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. He previously served four terms in the Texas House of Representatives

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Federal government continues to reject golden opportunities to export LNG

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From the Fraser Institute

By Julio Mejía and Elmira Aliakbari

A recent report released by the National Bank of Canada underscores the potential environmental impact of transitioning from coal to natural gas in countries such as India. According to the report, by 2030 the cumulative effect of this transition would result in up to four times fewer greenhouse gases emissions than what Canada emitted in 2021.

Once again, Canada has missed a crucial opportunity to supply clean and reliable energy to an ally. Polish President Andrzej Duda recently expressed interest in purchasing Canadian liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Canada but the Trudeau government did not offer any concrete commitment in response. We’ve seen this movie before.

During his recent visit to Ottawa, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis received the same noncommitment. In January 2023, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida came to Canada hoping to secure a reliable energy source. In response, Trudeau expressed the importance of Canada as a global energy supplier, only to add the disclaimer that the world is “aggressively” moving towards decarbonization. And in 2022, after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine led Germany to seek ways to reduce its reliance on Russian energy sources, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz asked to buy Canadian LNG but the prime minister gave him the cold shoulder. Apparently, Trudeau found no compelling “business case” to export LNG to Europe’s largest economy.

Of course, Canada’s vast natural resources could make a significant positive impact on global energy security, reliability and emissions reduction by reducing reliance on coal while also creating jobs and economic opportunity here at home. Energy supply shortages have already forced European countries to revert to coal-fired power plants—coal contributes more CO2 emissions per unit of energy than natural gas. In the developing world, India aims to double coal production by 2030 to meet the demands of its burgeoning economy and population. Similarly, China quadrupled the amount of new coal power in 2022 and has six times as many plants under construction as the rest of the world combined.

A recent report released by the National Bank of Canada underscores the potential environmental impact of transitioning from coal to natural gas in countries such as India. According to the report, by 2030 the cumulative effect of this transition would result in up to four times fewer greenhouse gases emissions than what Canada emitted in 2021. To put that in perspective, the impact would be even bigger than completely shutting down the Canadian economy.

Moreover, a recent McKinsey report anticipates an annual increase in global LNG demand of 1.5 per cent to 3 per cent by 2035. And according to the latest report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), limited new LNG production means supply will remain tight. The Biden administration recently halted LNG project approvals, increasing the need for Canada to establish its own infrastructure if we’re to seize the opportunity and become a global LNG supplier.

Unfortunately, Canada currently has no operational LNG export terminals, with the first LNG facility expected to commence exporting by 2025. The Trudeau government has frustrated the development of other LNG terminals, primarily through government regulatory barriers including long approval timelines. The government’s emissions caps on the oil and gas sector and federal Bill C-69 (which added more red tape and complexity to the assessment process for major energy projects) have also created uncertainty and deterred—if not outright prohibited—investment in the sector. Additionally, the British Columbia government’s “CleanBC” plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has added more regulation. Not surprisingly, a recent survey revealed that investors identify regulatory uncertainty as a major deterrent to investment in Canada’s oil and gas sector.

With the proper polices in place, Canada could provide an energy alternative to our allies and other coal-consuming countries worldwide. The Trudeau government should acknowledge the environmental benefits of our natural gas resources, reform regulations for energy infrastructure projects so they’re more competitive, and allow our energy industry to be a leading source of clean and reliable energy, for the benefit of Canadians and the environment.

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